The new June patch for ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained has released, bringing new Ancestral skills, renewed instances, new challenges, and more.
There are several revamps with this new patch. The first is for Grimghast Rift which adds new content and quests. Rewards include 1600 Honor Points, 10 Leadership, and 10 Radiant Infusion Supply Kits. The other revamp involves Crimson Rift which adds additional challenge.
Ancestral skills have now been added to Gunslinger including Ceaseless Fire, Crorrosive Barrage, Backdraft, Splinter Shell, and Collateral Damage. Here’s how it shakes out:
? Ceaseless Fire - Ancestral Lv 1
- Flame: Fires several bullets, increases Ranged Attack, and can only be used on a single target. Also has an increased Global Cooldown.
- Lightning: Inflicts AOE Damage in front of the caster. Has a reduced Global Cooldown.
? Corrosive Barrage [Stone] - Ancestral Lv 4
- Changes the effect of Corrosion.
- Decreases target’s Defense 17% per stack. (Basic: Decreases target’s Defense and Magic Defense -10% per stack.)
? Backdraft [Lightning] - Ancestral Lv 7
- Casts instantly but has a decreased Silence duration and a longer Cooldown.
- Cooldown: 25 seconds (Basic: 16 seconds)
- Silence Duration: 1.5 sec (Basic: 2 seconds)
? Splinter Shell [Flame] - Ancestral Lv 10
- Fires a bullet that inflicts AOE Damage equal to 1% of targets’ current Health in PvE and 2% in PvP.
- If the target is a World Boss, the bullet deals the initial damage.
? Collateral Damage [Quake] - Ancestral Lv13
- Has an increased Ranged Attack, and the skill never misses
- Creates a powerful wave.
- Powerful Wave: Inflicts Damage equal to 8% of target's Max Health, to up to 20 enemies within a 5m radius.
- If the target is a World Boss, the bullet deals only the initial damage.
The patch also brings several bug fixes, skills rebalance, and Awakening for Farmhand equipment. You can check out the full patch notes here for both ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained.