With ArcheAge opening tomorrow under the new Kakao Games publishing agreement, there has been growing concern in the community over the potential for powerleveling opportunities, or even exploits, with the company's initial plans to have fresh start servers with few restrictions. Today, they've announced changes to the plans for the fresh start servers, scrapping some bonuses and adding some level requirements.
While the initial goal was to remove barriers and make everything easier to access, community feedback pointed out that letting players simply earn bonuses and have access to everything from the beginning could lead to creating bots or multiple characters to farm or other ways of exploiting. Most games, especially concerning when there's a cash shop or a subscription, have concerns over player data being secure and in fighting RMTs. So the new changes announced should help gate some of the access and limit the damage potential.
Servers for ArcheAge (Legacy) won’t open until some time in 2022. For ArcheAge: Unchained, the fresh start server Nehliya (EU) will open tomorrow as planned, and will feature some limits on regions, raid access, and dungeons at first. Kyrios, the NA fresh start server, will open on January 6th. [Correction: Kakao reached out to us to clarify that they will be launching four servers simultaneously for ArcheAge Legacy and ArcheAge Unchained tomorrow. We apologize for the error and confusion!]
A previously announced Double the Gain event will be removed from fresh start servers and there will be new limits to trading, auctions, mail, and the storage box. These are all initial limitations that the team will keep an eye on to combat the potential issues.
When it comes to player-to-player trading, certain access will only happen at level 10 and level 30. You'll be able to send mail, conduct private trades, or set your storage permissions all at level 10. When it comes to auctions, you'll have to be level 30 in order to use the auctioneer.
For full details on all the differences between the planned fresh start servers, new changes, see the special announcement over at ArcheAge.