Dark or Light

ArcheAge Equipment Growth and Call to Arms Event Extended to June 11

All the gems and rewards

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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ArcheAge’s Equipment Growth and Call to Arms event has been extended until June 11. Here’s the scoop.

As a reminder, the event will provide you with double rewards for any quest giver as you combat bosses. You’ll receive 18 quest allowances for the event which you can exchange for infusions. You can also choose to turn in those allowances for crates.

Reward gems can be earned by completing a quest from the Event Quest Exchanger from Mirage Isle. Again, you can exchange these gems for infusions or crates. For example, here are the rewards:

  • Radiant Hiram Infusions x30 – 9 Gems
  • Radiant Hiram Infusions x45 – 12 Gems
  • Radiant Hiram Infusions x75 – 15 Gems
  • Radiant Hiram Infusions x150 – 18 Gems
  • Unidentified Abyssal Enhancer x45 – 9 Gems
  • Unidentified Abyssal Enhancer x70 – 12 Gems
  • Unidentified Abyssal Enhancer x115 – 15 Gems
  • Unidentified Abyssal Enhancer x225 – 18 Gems
  • Growth Event Crate x2 – 9 Gems
  • Growth Event Crate x3 – 12 Gems
  • Growth Event Crate x5 – 15 Gems
  • Growth Event Crate x10 – 18 Gems

Finally, double rewards await from quest givers in Reedwind, Sungold Fields, Exeloch, Western Hiram Mountains, and Eastern Hiram Mountains.