This week’s update for ArcheAge brought a new buff to the Faction Statue to help players be more competitive, removed the mail cooldown, began a double gain event, and fixed a few bugs.
The standout change is the buff to the Faction Statue, since player feedback was that the previous bonus, “Don’t Give Up”, which was given to the less populated faction was just not enough. Enter the “War Time” buff, which is now in place after the update. This can be activated by the Faction Hero when the complete statue has “Don’t Give Up” applied.
For the cost of 150 labor, you can get a buff of +300 Toughness, +50 Resilience, get boosted +5% healing, and a -10% reduction in siege damage. These bonuses should definitely help smaller populations be more competitive especially if they find themselves in sieges were without enough allies around.
Also in the update is the removal of cooldowns for mailing and trading with the same person. So if you find someone who you want to communicate with repeatedly or someone who has several items you want to trade with you don't have to wait 10 minutes between sending mail.
This patch also fixed a couple of issues, including that the Mobilization Order and Jury Invite UI was appearing in the middle of the screen. These will now be movable and persistent so that they'll be in the same location the next time. Other issues addressed include the inability to interact with Arcane spheres, so these have a larger range to interact with them.
The Golden Fall Double the Gain event has also begun and will run through October 6th before next week's maintenance. This regular faster progression event will give you double XP, quest Hhonor points, and vocation badges in addition to a doubled loot drop rate.
For more, see the notes over at ArcheAge