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ArcheAge & ArcheAge Unchained Receiving Garden of the Gods Expansion on June 11

Plus a bonus pet

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The Garden of the Gods expansion is headed to ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained on June 11.

The new expansion is set to include enemies sure to challenge you, plus new quests, and rewards and treasures. The story of the expansion is set to include 59 quests all driving the player forward to uncover the larger puzzle that is the ArcheAge universe. You’ll also have the chance to partake in new raids and face off against Anthalon.

You’ll be able to explore forests and groves, while also having the ability to build a castle and defend your territory. You’ll be rewarded with the Brown Shiba Inu pet, but, according to the press release, you’ll be able to grab this pet today.

“To claim this cuddly pet, login and claim it through our marketplace after the marketplace update on May 14th! Thank you for your loyalty towards ArcheAge: Unchained and ArcheAge! *Can only be claimed once per account”

The official site actually suggests you participate in the Equpment Growth event starting today in order to be prepared for the expansion.