The Roads of Avalon get an overhaul based on feedback from the Albion Online community. The Beyond the Veil update included a rework to the Roads of Avalon too, intended to make it a group-oriented feature, but the latest patch alters this plan to better support the full community.
This series of changes can be considered another rework, since there are a lot of changes, including some environmental visual updates. The Sandbox interactive team is making sure to try and strike a balance between offering Roads content for all and to even bring back some elements similar to how things were before.
As for the intended all-group oriented feature plans, they “No longer feel this is representative of the diversity of different audiences the Roads of Avalon have catered to in the past. This patch aims to increase activity, content, and rewards for a wider audience in the Roads - without taking content away from existing audiences to accomplish that”.
Camps get a number of changes, with roaming camps and weaker Avalonian camps now adjusted to suit 1-3 players. Medium camps shift to make them ideal for groups of 4-6 players or more. The strong camps get a lot of boosts to rewards and should now be ideal for groups of seven or more.
Mobs also get some adjustments to better suit the wider range of the Roads following the update.
Aside from the Roads of Avalon work, Albion Online is adding a new Safe Streamer mode that can be toggled to help obscure your exact location when streaming the game. On the official client (not Steam) there’s also a privacy feature to hide your login email address if you get disconnected.
In addition to these changes, there are some new class balance tweaks, with some emphasis on improving the 5v5 Crystal League meta. Expect some fixes and housekeeping as well.
See the full patch notes over at Albion Online.