Dark or Light

A Message from the Director

Suzie Ford Posted:
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Final Fantasy XIV game director, Nobuaki Komoto, has penned what would be called a 'state of the game' letter on the official site. In the message, Komoto begins the discussion with news that the dev team plans large-scale updates to the game every three months and that they have indeed been listening to player feedback. To that end, Komoto addresses several key issues: UI adjustments, party based battle balancing, server lag, and distribution of enemies.

Server Lag

Notable lag has been observed in certain areas of the game, particularly when a large number of players are gathered together. To combat this, such areas will be divided into multiple "sections" for the purposes of server-side processing, thereby reducing concentrated loads and subsequent lag on individual World servers.

Read more here.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom