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20 Years of the Eternal Conflict - Diablo at Blizzcon 2016

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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The Diablo team is getting ready to start up the 20th Anniversary panel at Blizzcon. We'll keep you posted on all that's said so hop through the jump and keep refreshing the page for the most up-to-date information straight out of Anaheim!

The panel begins with a retrospective interview with the minds behind the original Diablo. Who doesn't remember some of their best boss fights. The core of the experience is the terror and the horror.

We're celebrating 20 years and people are still playing this game.

The Diablo team takes the stage.

The Diablo Anniversary

  • Released December 31, 1996 and in one language.
  • Diablo came out on Battle.Net
  • You learned skills from books
  • Diablo II came out in June 2000 in nine languages
  • Lord of Destruction came out in June 2001
  • Diablo 3 launched in May 2012 in twelve languages
  • Console release in September 2013
  • Reaper of Souls & Ultimate Evil Edition in 2013

Darkening of Tristram Event

  • Classic music tracks
  • 16 dungeon levels & boss level
  • All 4 bosses
  • Character animations and pixelation included!
  • Retro UI
  • Adjusted retro movement for monsters
  • Lots of easter eggs and nods to the original game
  • Portrait frames
  • Banner & sigil
  • Pets (including Baby Butcher!)
  • Legendary Gem & Transmog - the Red Soul Shard
  • Butcher's Cleaver & Wirt's Leg transmog items
  • Simplified art to more closely match the 90s version
  • PTR next week with patch 2.4.3
  • Event goes live in January and will last a month and become an annual event

Armory (Wardrobe!)

Players can save five loadouts with skills, passives, all items, Kanai's Cube abilities and armor. Sets can be named and saved and inspect it. To retrieve it, go to the wardrobe and with a single button and click, BOOM!

Unsocketing costs will be removed for both normal and Legendary gems. This will be available for both PC and console.


The Necromancer is the Commander of the Dead. 

How will Witch Doctors and Necros work together?

Witch Doctor Themes: Zombies, creepy crawlies, jungle culture, more light-hearted. Pets are passive.

Necromancer Themes: Skeletons, corpses, reanimations, curses, blood & bone, deadly serious. Pets are active / passives.

Necros will utilize Essence and Corpse resources to power up skills. Corpse Explosion is back and it's better. Necros can blow up 10 monsters at a time. Bone Spear, Decrepify both make a comeback. Siphon Blood recovers Life & Essence. Blood Rush increases movement speed. 

Coming in the future: Blood Golem and Army of the Dead - 100+ skeletons summoned for a gigantic hit.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom