Dark or Light

17 Now, 500 in 2025

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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If the nebulous title brought you in, you're not alone. Yet in an interview during last weekend's ComiCon in San Diego, Bioware's senior creative director James Ohlen mentioned that Star Wars: The Old Republic will launch with seventeen explorable worlds but the road map allows for over 500 worlds in 2025. That's over a decade's worth of content additions, folks.

JO: Well, I can say that we have 1(7) major worlds. Then we have an indeterminate number of minor worlds. And our goal, obviously this being an online game, that we're hoping is going to last for decades, we're going to be, obviously, adding more to the galaxy map as the game progresses. We want to add dozens of worlds. Hundreds of worlds eventually. In 2025, we'll hopefully have 500 worlds.

Source: DarthHater.com


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom