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Marvel Heroes Omega

Gazillion Entmt. | Official Site


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Playable Black Bolt Arrives in MHO

To celebrate ABC's Marvel's Inhumans, Gazillion Entertainment has announced that a playable version of Black Bolt will arrive "to make some noise" in Marvel Heroes Omega.

Exclusive Marvel Heroes Omega Gameplay

We got some early hands-on time with the upcoming console version of the F2P Marvel MMORPG, Marvel Heroes Omega. We took Wolverine, Rocket Raccoon, Thor and Deadpool for a spin during our short time with the game.

Let's Play Beast in Marvel Heroes With Jubilee!

Beast is the newest hero added to the roster in Marvel Heroes, along with Jubilee as the latest Team Up. We've got both, and went in with a quick look to see what they have to offer. Hint, lots of jumping and break-dancing.

EXCLUSIVE  - Biggest Update Ever Trailer

Marvel Heroes 2016 is about to gets its biggest systems update ever when the next patch goes live on January 19th. One of the massive overhauls involves talents and powers for each of the 50+ heroes and villains in the game. Some old favorites got new skills, including none other than Rocket Raccoon. Watch for a nice quick look at the new stuff coming to you this Thursday.

The Deadpool Update  - TheHiveLeader

What happened in the Marvel Universe between 2015 and 2016? Deadpool is back to cover it all and, of course, give an update on Marvel Heroes! Marvel Heroes is a free-to-play online action RPG from Secret Identity Studios and Gazillion Entertainment with significant MMORPG elements. Players will be able to play as Marvel superheroes and engage in Diablo-style gameplay while adventuring with other players in an MMO world. The game features action RPG gameplay, tons of playable Marvel characters

MMOFTW - Dave Brevik Leaves Gazillion

MMOFTW this week is all about Bless' Korean Open Beta plans in KR, Black Desert's CBT2 changes, Chronicles of Elyria's life-span dev journal, Shards Online's player merchants, and Dave Brevik's departure from Marvel Heroes.

She-Hulk Trailer

She-Hulk joins Marvel Heroes 2015 as a fully playable character! You may have seen her smash it up alongside other Heroes as a Team-Up character, but that’s only a small sample of her skills compared to when you're the one controlling Jennifer Walters.

GDC 2015 - Marvel Heroes Interview with David Brevik

Marvel Heroes has a lot of good new stuff coming soon, and we caught up with Gazillion at GDC 2015 to talk about the present and future of the Action RPG MMO.

 Winter Soldier Trailer

Previously known as Captain America's sidekick during WWII, Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier is a master of close-quarters combat, marksmanship and high-power explosives. In addition to wielding a formidable arsenal and trademark cybernetic left arm, Winter Soldier is also a master of espionage, capable of sneaking past enemies unseen to take down high-value targets. For more information about Marvel Heroes 2015 and the new Winter Soldier hero, visit the official website at www.marvelheroes2015.com

Interviews with Deadpool - Marvel Heroes 2015 - TheHiveLeader

WARNING - This is a comedy skit. NOTHING MORE. Deadpool interviews the Earth's Mightiest Heroes about Marvel Heroes 2015. Pretty much nothing is accomplished.