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MapleStory's Neo: Light's Wrath Update Brings a New Boss and Questline

The Neo: Light's Wrath update for MapleStory is bringing a Part 2 of sorts to the summer content schedule. In the new update, expect to face off against a new boss in addition to a new questline.

MapleStory Behind the Scenes - Prepping for Pathfinder

Nexon has published a new "behind the scenes" video developer diary for MapleStory that explores the upcoming Pathfinder class. Players will be able to start playing as a Pathfinder on June 26th. The pre-creation phase for Pathfinders is ramping up and devs wanted to provide insight into the production of the Pathfinder and much more.

Nova: Liberation of Cadena Trailer

Cadena is a new playable character coming to MapleStory as part of the Nova: Liberation of Cadena update, the first of several big content updates coming to the game through the first of the year. On November 29th, Cadena will become available to players and try out her new battle skills.

First Impressions - TheHiveLeader

A golden oldie, MapleStory has been around for over ten years. Due to popular request, TheHiveLeader decided to finally check it out. Does it withstand the test of time? Find out now!

Demon Avenger

The Demon Avenger is the latest playable character class to be released in MapleStory. To celebrate the character's release, the team has sent out a new video to show off hwo the Demon Avenger wields his Desperado Sword and Demon Aegis Shield to ward off enemies and deal serious damage.

Monster Life Trailer

Nexon has teamed up with MMORPG.com to bring our MapleStory fans the first news about a big content upgrade coming to the game on Wednesday, May 22, 2013. Called "Monster Life", the new content will feature a new "Farmville-like" mini game sure to please the agricultural bent in players. Check out this exclusive trailer for more information!

Kanna Trailer

Nexon has released a new trailer to support the MapleStory update called "Mark of Honor" and the release of the new hero, Kanna. Kanna utilizes the power of the spirit world to lay waste to her opponents. Check it out then log into the game to see how Kanna operates!

The Wedding System

Nexon has released a nifty new trailer to show of the MapleStory wedding system.

Mihile Coming as a Playable Character

Nexon and the MapleStory team have released a new game play video featuring Mihile who will become a playable character when the "New Dawn" update goes into effect on September 5th. Mihile uses one-handed swords and has a special shield called the Soul Shield, which grows with him. It can gain experience and level up, and it is also automatically upgraded at each job advancement.

Fight for Azwan Trailer

The final portion of the summer update is now live on MapleStory servers. Called "Fight for Azwan", the update charges players with retaining Azwan from the Undead Army of Hilla. Additionally, four difficulty modes are added to give players the challenge they prefer. See what you think!