MapleStory Articles

Nexon and the MapleStory team are ready to start revealing new information about Jett, a pirate space bounty hunter who just happens to carry a very large weapon! Jett is set to hit game servers later this summer and more about her should be forthcoming! In the meantime, enjoy learning a bit more about this elusive gal. Enjoy!

Have you ever wanted to go back in time to the glory days of 2D, side-scrolling, console-style RPGs. Well, add an MMO and free to play to the mix and you have MapleStory. Join over 50 million other players in real time worldwide in defending "Maple World" from monsters of every size, shape and challenge level. Venture deep into dungeons solo or with a party of up to five other players and root out the beasts below as your character - whether Warrior, Magician, Bowman or Thief - collects money an

Nexon has announced that the final piece of the Alliance Update to MapleStory has been deployed that balances all classes and skills in the game. More specifically, Cygnus Knights and Explorers, including Warriors, Magicians, and Bowmen have been shown the love.

Nexon has unleashed a new video showing off some of the big changes coming to MapleStory. The video shows off the revamps for the Resistances classes as well as the improvements to the Aran and Evan skills. Enjoy!

Nexon has unleashed a new video showing off some of the big changes coming to MapleStory. The video shows off the revamps for the Resistances classes as well as the improvements to the Aran and Evan skills. Enjoy!

Nexon has revealed new information about the forthcoming MapleStory update slated to hit servers on March 14th. Called Alliance Unbound, the new trailer "previews the Ellin Forest Revamp, where players will be able to travel back in time to Victoria Island of the past, revisiting the site of the initial battle against the Black Mage."

Nexon has revealed new information about the forthcoming MapleStory update slated to hit servers on March 14th. Called Alliance Unbound, the new trailer "previews the Ellin Forest Revamp, where players will be able to travel back in time to Victoria Island of the past, revisiting the site of the initial battle against the Black Mage. "

Nexon has sent out a new trailer showing the warm and fuzzy love side of MapleStory. The video, called by devs " a romance proclaimed in pixels", illustrates why MapleStory players who marry in game tend to stay hitched longer than the average American "real world" couple. Check it out and then log in with your sweetheart!

Nexon has sent out a new trailer showing the warm and fuzzy love side of MapleStory. The video, called by devs " a romance proclaimed in pixels", illustrates why MapleStory players who marry in game tend to stay hitched longer than the average American "real world" couple. Check it out and then log in with your sweetheart!

The final new "Legends" character class has been added to MapleStory. The Demon Slayer, once a minion of the dark, has turned his attention to making up for all the evil in his past.

The Demon Slayer, the final epic character, will officially arrive in MapleStory: Legends on January 11th. The Demon Slayer is a former Black Mage acolyte who is on a quest for redemption. The class brings an arsenal of dark powers into the game that, according to devs, "can be harnessed for good". Check it out!

The Demon Slayer, the final epic character, will officially arrive in MapleStory: Legends on January 11th. The Demon Slayer is a former Black Mage acolyte who is on a quest for redemption. The class brings an arsenal of dark powers into the game that, according to devs, "can be harnessed for good". Check it out!

One of the most-anticipated new features coming for MapleStory players is the arrival of the Legends, powerhouse characters players will be able to play and enjoy. We had the opportunity to sit down for a chat with MapleStory's producer Crystin Cox to talk about Legends. See what she has to say and then leave us a comment or two!

As the Legends updates continue in MapleStory, Nexon has announced that dual-wielding Mercedes has officially arrived in game. Mercedes' signature weapons are a pair of bow guns with which she can deal devastating damage.

Nexon has announced that the latest Legend, Mercedes, has blasted her way into MapleStory. Mercedes is a dual-wielding dynamo who can perform both long- and short-range attacks. Enjoy!