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MapleStory Articles

Exclusive Developer Diary - All the New 5th Job Advancement Skills

MapleStory is moving in all new directions this summer with a pair of massive updates called Override Evolve and Override Venture. Players will have access to the full line of 5th job advancement skills for every one of the 40+ classes. In our exclusive developer diary, readers get a first-ever look at each class's 5th job advancement skill!

Summer Updates Bring New Job Skills, New Areas & More

Nexon America is ready to unleash a pair of large updates to MapleStory. The first, Override: Evolve, will launch in June. Override: Venture is expected to go live in July. Both will give players new ways to progress and strengthen their characters with new job skills, new locations and even a new planet to explore.

First Impressions - TheHiveLeader

A golden oldie, MapleStory has been around for over ten years. Due to popular request, TheHiveLeader decided to finally check it out. Does it withstand the test of time? Find out now!

V Update Goes Live with Advanced Skills & More

MapleStory has received its biggest update in years with today's launch (at 2 pm Pacific / 5 pm Eastern) V Update that brings in the fifth job advancement for level 200 players. Players will have new advanced skills that can be enhanced or increased in power.

All Classes to Receive New Job Advancement

MapleStory will be getting a hefty update on December 15th that will see all classes getting a new job advancement, something that hasn't happened in nearly a decade. Each advancement provides players with a chance to explore a trio of new stories and areas.

More Heroic Android Pack Keys!

MMORPG.com has been given even more gift keys for MapleStory that will grant players the Heroic Android Pack. In this pack is a ton of cool stuff like Neinheartroid, Lidium Heart, Secret Sign Damage Skin Coupon and much more! Get your key now while they last!

Heroic Android Pack Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given a limited number of gift keys for MapleStory that will grant players the Heroic Android Pack. In this pack is a ton of cool stuff like Neinheartroid, Lidium Heart, Secret Sign Damage Skin Coupon and much more! Get your key now while they last!

Heroes of Maples Headed Into Game This Summer

Nexon will be rolling out a series of updates for MapleStory over the coming months. Called Heroes of Maple, Reborn: Act 1 will launch in June, Blaster, which introduces a new class, launches in July and Damien featuring a new boss will be released in August.

See It All Like You're There - VR Version @ G-Star 2015

According to MMOCulture.com, it appears that Nexon will be bringing a virtual reality version of MapleStory to this year's G-Star convention in South Korea. No official confirmation of the game's development has yet been seen, however, there is a trailer that depicts a player wearing a VR headset to check out the game.

Pocket Version Launches for a Full-Blown MMO Experience

Nexon has announced the launch of Pocket Maplestory, a mobile version of the popular game for Android users. With over seven million downloads in Asia, the game is available for free in the NA / EU region.

MapleStory 2: Ready To Launch In Korea

Nexon is ready to celebrate the launch of MapleStory 2 in Korea later this week. The team has several live events and some game events scheduled as well. As part of the opening festivities Nexon has released a brand new cinematic trailer. Check it out and let us know what you think!

July 7 Marks South Korean Launch of Maple Story 2

As reported by Orange Mushroom, Nexon director Kim Jin Man revealed friday that South Korean players will finally get to enjoy the new game's level 30 cap, new boss, guild battles and customization system. Now if only we new when North American players get to join in.

2.3 BILLION Quests Completed & Counting

MapleStory is celebrating its tenth anniversary with a great infographic that includes such fun stats as the fact that 2.3 BILLION quests have been completed, over 100 million accounts have been created from around the world and 280,000 guilds have been formed and much more. Check it out for yourself and then tell us about your favorite MapleStory moments in the comments.

Celebrating Eight Years With New Content, Events and Classes

Over the last eight years, almost 4 million characters have been created in the European MapleStory, and to celebrate, publisher Nexon has created a new 30 quest storyline surrounding two of Mu Gong's most famous students, Gold Dragon and Red Tiger.

Attack on Titan Comes to MapleStory

MapleStory and "Attack on Titan" fans are in for a treat through mid-February as the two cross over in a special themed event.