YouTuber "KineticGTR" has taken to the airwaves to show off his experience in the hard mode "mecha raid" called The Heart of Krater. He calls it his favorite dungeon so far and "it's unlike anything else with its crazy futuristic design". It's a wild and unexpected video featuring some pretty unique gameplay with three bards and a berserker taking on the content. You won't want to miss it!
One of the things that our readers are hungry for when it comes to Lost Ark -- besides a Western release date, that is -- is more information about the classes and how they play. Today's serving of Korean open beta class goodness features the Bard class. YouTuber "Laura Hime" has a nice 12+ minutes of gameplay action to soothe the need to know MORE!
If you just can't get enough info about Lost Ark, you'll definitely want to check out this new video from YouTuber B Banishing. It features a compilation of Berserker kills. You can check out over eight minutes of dominance in the arena.
We have a pair of new videos straight out of the Lost Ark Korean open beta test. In the first, YouTuber "TheFr0styyy" has posted a new video that covers his impressions of the Berserker class, one of the game's melee frontliners. The second is from YouTuber KineticGTR and shows the Berserker in action during dungeon gameplay where he took the tank role when none was available.
With the South Korean open beta of Lost Ark well underway, many western fans are feeling a bit blue about their inability to play. We've got you covered, however, with some gameplay footage being pumped out by testers. In today's, YouTube user "Phano" spends over an hour playing the Summoner while showing off the fast-paced action combat that Lost Ark embodies.
As you know, the Lost Ark open beta began in South Korea yesterday and today brings us some impressions videos from those those who managed to get in and play. This video comes via Arekkz Gaming and is an interesting take on the "new Diablo" feeling that many have taken when seeing Lost Ark in action. See if you agree!
During the upcoming Korean closed beta for Lost Ark, three new classes will be released: Destoyer, Summoner and Arcana. In addition, This is Game also released very brief videos spotlighting each of the game's ten classes.
Lost Ark is ready to enter closed beta 2 in Korea. In order to show players what they can expect during CBT 2, players will be able to explore new islands, sail ships, fish and be subject to the weather system.
I finally hit the level 30 cap and tested the final dungeon in CBT. I'll edit the other videos when I wake up, enjoy. Zombie nap time.
Lost Ark Online closed beta trailer (Korea) The Adventure Begins.