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Lost Ark Articles

Lost Ark x The Witcher Collaboration Starts Tomorrow With a Big Update for Improvements

Tomorrow, the collaboration event between Lost Ark and The Witcher begins, with quests and themed items, packed into a robust update full of improvements.

Lost Ark Reverses Accidental Bans, Including of Inactive Player Accounts

The most recent large-scale ban wave targeting bots in Lost Ark accidentally banned a number of player accounts. The team fixed the issue, but negative responses and review bombing had happened.

Lost Ark Confirms Large-Scale Bot Bans, As Some Request Restrictions Be Lifted

The Lost Ark team is confirming that the recent drop in concurrent users is the work of the latest banwave targeting the botting problem in the game. Some are hoping to see bot-fighting restrictions lifted.

Lost Ark's Witcher Crossover Event Is Coming On January 18th, Brings Daily And Story Quests To MMOARPG

The long-teased Witcher crossover event with Lost Ark has finally got a release date. Coming on January 18th, players will be able to work with series regulars such as Geralt of Rivia, Dandelion, Triss Merigold and more in a new story and daily quests to earn new items inspired by the Polish fantasy epic.

Lost Ark is Granting More Battle Item Chests After Disappointing Random Gift

The Lost Ark community now has access to a holiday gift pack, and Amazon is assuring all that there will be some additional gifts to ensure you can get fully geared up for the content ahead.

Lost Ark 2023 Roadmap Details New Continent, The Witcher Event, Artist Class, New RvR Mode and Raids

Lost Ark team has a new roadmpa to shed some light on what to expect in the first few months of 2023.  From info on The Witcher collaboration, a new continent on the way, new RvR PvP mode, the new Artist class, and of course, new raids to challenge you.

Lost Ark Opens Extended Joytide Fever Time and Prepares Bug Fixes

A new Fever Time event is open in Lost Ark, this time with items to claim for five days. The team has also released notes for tomorrow's update, which will fix several issues.

Lost Ark's Wreck the Halls Update Brings the Summoner and the Brelshaza Legion Raid Tomorrow

"Wreck the Halls" is coming to Lost Ark tomorrow, with the Summoner advanced class, the six-gate Brelshaza Legion Raid, a holiday event, new Guardian Raid, new dungeons, and much more.

Lost Ark Details the Summoner, the Mage Advanced Class Arriving Next Week

The Summoner is coming to Lost Ark on December 14th, and the fourth Mage advanced class gets a detailed look of how you'll summon Ancient Elementals and work in harmony in battle.

Lost Ark x The Witcher Event Gets New Details, and Will Launch in January

More details on the Lost Ark collaboration with The Witcher have been revealed, and it will be out in January 2023. Expect quests, cosmetics, new customization scar options, and more.

Lost Ark Weekly Fixes a Number of Issues and the Team Addresses Disconnects

The weekly update for Lost Ark is all about fixes, with a number of issues taken care of, but the team reiterates more work is happening on the disconnect issue.

Lost Ark Auction House Changes Roll Out Globally After Test in NA/EU, While Some Blame Bots

Changes to address Auction House instability in Lost Ark were applied to North America East and Europe Central before being rolled out globally.

Lost Ark's Update Did Not Successfully Fix the Ongoing Disconnect Issues, But More Work is Coming

The Lost Ark team has shared an update on the ongoing disconnect issues. The latest patch that went live overnight took another try at fixing the issue, but there are still instances of it showing up. 

Lost Ark Patch Looks to Fix Disconnect Issues and Quest Glitches

Tomorrow's Lost Ark update continues work to address ongoing disconnect issues, along with fixing several quest glitches, and more Pheon cleanup.

Lost Ark Holds Two Downtimes to Address Pheon issue and Includes Extra Compensation

 Two downtime periods for Lost Ark have been addressing lingering issues stemming from recent updates, with additional compensation also coming.