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Lost Ark Articles

Lost Ark Director in New Interview on Lore, Elgacia's Importance, and Smilegate RPG's Advanced Planning

Gold River, Lost Ark's director, answers questions in an extensive new interview, talking lore, why Elgacia was created before everywhere else, and having Lost Ark's full future story and structure planned out.

Lost Ark July Update Will Answer What's After Elgacia, and Treat Challengers to a New Legion Raid

Lost Ark's July update will be live tomorrow, and the team is previewing the new quests, progression changes, fixes, events, and the Kakul-Saydon Inferno Legion Raid.

Lost Ark's July Update Brings Inferno Kakul-Saydon, New Elgacia Quests, and More July 12th

The July update for Lost Ark is coming on July 12th. The update will bring Elgacia epilogue quests, the arrival of Inferno Kakul-Saydon Legion Raid, and much more.

Lost Ark Will Merge European Regions, With Additional Server and Region Mergers Under Consideration

This summer, Lost Ark will merge service regions Europe West and Europe Central, with servermerges and perhaps even future region merges under consideration.

Lost Ark Summer Updates, Including Progression Changes to Ease Repetitiveness, Detailed

Smilegate RPG and Amazon Games have detailed progression updates coming to LostArk this summer,along with other changes.

Lost Ark Unveils New Class 'Soul Eater' and New Raid in 2023 Summer Update Stream

Lost Ark, the popular Action MMORPG, is set to introduce a new class called 'Soul Eater' as part of its 2023 Summer Update for Korean players.

New Lost Ark Pass Season Begins Tomorrow, With Cute Pets, Shiny New Cosmetics, and Useful Loot

A new pass season begins tomorrow in Lost Ark, with usefulloot, shiny formal cosmetics, and some cute alpaca-like pets.

Tomorrow, Lost Ark Players Enter the New Continent of Elgacia, Take on New Abyssal Dungeon, and More

Tomorrow, the continent of Elgacia opens in Lost Ark. The June update also brings new story, anew Abyssal Dungeon, new event raid, new field boss, and much more.

Interview: Talking The Future Of Lost Ark With Community Manager Roxanne Sabo

Lost Ark has been one of the most successful MMOs in recent memory, having maintained a strong user base, consistent updates, and a thriving community. It's not always been perfect, but overall it's always great to see an MMO reach this level of success, and everyone involved, from the players, to the people working on the game, all make it happen. We spoke to CM Roxanne Sabo about the future of the MMOARPG here in the West.

Elgacia is Opening in Lost Ark Next Week, With New Story, an Abyssal Dungeon, and More Fortunespire

The gates of Elgacia are getting ready to open in Lost Ark. The June update will bring the new continent and a new storyline, an Abyssal Dungeon, and more.

Lost Ark's May Update Brings the Slayer, New Progression Events, Event Guardians, and More Tomorrow

The May update for Lost Ark, "Slay Your Way to Elgacia" is coming tomorrow. Expect the Slayer advanced class, the return of Event Guardians, the Ebony Cube, progression events, and more.

The Slayer Brings Her Greatsword and Bloodlust Specialty to Lost Ark on May 10th

Lost Ark  is getting ready for its next update, with the Slayer advanced class, along with new progression events, on May 10th.

Lost Ark Roadmap Update Reveals New Classes, Reworks, a New Continent, and Much More on the Way

A roadmap update for Lost Ark reveals new class in May, new Guardian Raid, endgame reworks, the second Specialist advanced class, and more.

Lost Ark Will Reduce Repetitive Content, Help New Players, and Even Get Western-Exclusive Events

In a lengthy letter to the Lost Ark community, Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG address falling short in several ways and promising better anti-bot measures, a reduction in repetitive content to reduce burnout, and more improvements to come.

Lost Ark April Update Bringing New Gear Tier, Quests, New Raids, and New Challenges

Lost Ark's April update will be out tomorrow, and there will be some brand new challenges, a new gear tier, new Guardian Raid, and much more.