Lord of the Rings Online has announced a “mini expansion pack” featuring three different editions of the game, plus boar mounts.
The announcement was announced in a live stream (summary on the forums) and will include three various editions. The expansion itself is called the War of the Three Peaks which we covered off in a previous interview. The three editions are the Normal Edition for $20, Collector’s Edition for $59, and the Ultimate Edition for $99. They will be available in October.
Some other information includes the fact that this mini expansion will not replace the Gundabad Expansion scheduled for 2021. The first beta round for that expansion will begin next week. Additionally, there will be no level cap increase. Along with the boar mounts (trailer below), the mini expansion will contain a new raid and new raid gear.
Additionally, Community Manager Cordovan outlined that you will not be able to purchase War of the Three Peaks with LOTRO Points at launch. That will come later. You can check out the trailer which was featured in the live stream: