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Is LotRO Art?

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com Lord of the Rings Online Correspondent Andrei Hamagea writes this article looking at the video game as an art form.

In a recent mainstream gaming magazine, I came across an article trying to prove why games, in general, are not art. During my time with both the gaming world and art school, I have seen the two overlap numerous times yet to this day modern art in general can stir up some pretty heated conversations and disagreements. In one of my previous articles, A Look at the Looks of LOTRO, I gave a summary of why I think this MMO stands out, however I never touched upon its reflection of some artistic vision. As a result, I wanted to follow up and provide some arguments surrounding the intent, procedure and outcome these artists and developers consider before hitting the public with a massive MMO production. These people not only work years making the pieces that shape up a MMO, but have to predict interactions and user generated content that might come of it, much like an exhibition in a gallery. It is in a way a study, fueled by us the players, in which the artist conceives his work based on what he thinks is interesting and appealing to the world. As formal art such as painting or sculpture this work has to be commercially feasible, it must make a profit.

Read Is LotRO Art?


Jon Wood