
Dark or Light

A Look at Fellowship Manoeuvres

Keith Cross Posted:
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Turbine has posted a new article which delves into great detail about the uses and functionality of Fellowship Manoeuvres.

A single hero can make a difference in the battle for Middle-earth, but a fellowship of sharp companions working in concert can perform great feats that no single warrior can achieve alone. Fellowship Manoeuvres give a coordinated group of heroes a profound advantage in combat against the most hale and fearsome foes. It is solidarity in the face of bloodlust and malice that gives the FreePeoples their edge against the Enemy, and Fellowship Manoeuvres turn that solidarity into vanquishing strikes and rescuing heals.

In short, a Fellowship Manoeuvre is a combo attack in which each member of the fellowship potentially contributes one Fellowship skill to the combination. Different combinations of Fellowship skills result in different, distinctive Fellowship Manoeuvres. One combination might yield a potent and coordinated melee attack, while another might invoke an effect that heals the fellowship’s Morale over time. The more characters that successfully contribute to the combo recipe, the more powerful the Fellowship Manoeuvre’s effects.

Read more here.


Keith Cross