Lord of the Rings Online Articles

Anniversaries are important in MMOs, whether they be the game itself celebrating one or players doing so. Bradford's Kinship in The Lord of the Rings Online turns 15 this year, and it got him thinking on Anniversaries past. How do you and your group celebrate?

Enter the Yondershire in the newest beta for The Lord of the Rings Online, which is open now along with class updates and an overhaul to Minstrel.

Classes in MMORPGs tend to follow a familiar pattern, with classes typically emphasizing roles that specialize in either damage, tanking or healing. The holy trinity dominates how classes are designed, but it doesn't have to dominate every aspect of how a class is played. If you could change one major thing about your favorite MMORPG class, what would it be?

The Lord of the Rings Online recently announced a swathe of changes coming to its monetization model, and the change is quite the breath of fresh air. From making content free to all to increasing the amount players can enjoy before they have to pay, LotRO is ensuring that it could be around for quite some time.

This spring, the Lord of the Rings Online will make all premium content released from 2007-Helm's Deep permanently free for all, and will expand The Shire ahead of the game's 15th anniversary.

The Spring Festival is back in The Lord of the Rings Online with the latest update out today. Get ready to celebrate the arrival of the season with quests, dance, flowers, and more.

The Mearas has returned to Rohan. The Shadowfax server has hit the regions of Rohan and Wildermore in the latest Lord of the Rings Online update. Alongside the new zone, the level cap has been increased to a cap of 85.

Rangers and Ruins, update 32 for The Lord of the Rings Online is out today and it brings Erebor housing, the new Legendary Items reward track, a new area for level 40 to 45, a series of class balance changes, and more.

The Lord of the Rings Online has a new beta update on Bullroarer, and there's Dwarvish housing to test out. While the Legendary Item Reward Track has been tentatively pushed to the next build for now.

Standing Stone Games have announced they are putting the proposed changes to many of the upcoming currencies in The Lord of the Rings Online on hold, citing player feedback.

The Lord of the Rings Online team has announced major changes to currencies, sparking community concerns. Embers of Enchantment, Motes, and Figments of Splendour will get cap increased and new limitations.

Is there a zone in an MMO that makes you sick to your stomach at the prospect of running through it again? Bradford ruminates on his, The Lone Lands in The Lord of the Rings Online.

Today is expansion day - at least if you're playing on one of the two (or both - we don't judge!) Legendary Servers from The Lord of the Rings Online. The faster Shadowfax server is seeing a new level cap of 70, while the slower, more deliberate Treebeard is entering the Mines of Moria.

The Lord of the Rings Online's latest expansion, Fate of Gundabad, sees players retaking the legendary home of the Dwarves themselves. But how does this hold up, and does Durin's quest to reclaim Mountain-home do enough? We take a look at the story, new features and more in our review of the expansion.

As we say farewell to 2021, Bradford continues to look back on the MMOs that helped define the year. Specifically, the stories told within those game worlds. Has there been an MMORPG story that has been your favorite this year?