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Lord of the Rings Online Articles

LotRO's Laliapalooza 2024 Is Coming To Crickhollow On September 21st

The Lord of the Rings Online is known for its incredible player community, and the Crickhollow server is getting into the concert festival action with its Laliapalooza 2024 event happening later this month.

LotRO Shows Off First Legacy of Morgoth Expansion Zone, Ambarûl, In Latest Dev Stream

LotRO has started to ramp up its marketing for its upcoming expansion, Legacy of Morgoth, showing off one of the new zones coming later this year on a recent dev stream.

Lord of the Rings Online Year of the Dragon Adds New Instance, Offers Free Beyond the Shadow Mini-Expansion

A new update has been released for The Lord of the Rings Online, and it has some fairly massive news for fans of the game.

New LotRO Stream Talks Dragon and Storm Instance Launch, Says Legacy of Morgoth Reveals Are On The Way

In the latest Cord of the Rings live stream, the Lord of the Rings Online community manager talked about when players can expect its upcoming free The Dragon and the Storm instance to launch, as well as a tease of the upcoming fall expansion, Legacy of Morgoth.

LotRO's Legendary Server's Nazgul Will Start Banishing Players If Fights Get Too Crowded

The Ringwraiths on Angmar and Mordor gained a new power recently, as the wraiths will start banishing players if fights on LotRO's new legendary servers get too crowded.

LotRO's The Dragon and the Storm Instance Now Available To Test On Bullroarer

LotRO's latest instance encounter, The Dragon and the Storm, is now open for testing on the Bullroarer test server. The new instance is part of Daybreak's greater Year of the Dragon celebration across its library of MMOs.

LotRO's Legendary Servers Get Another Wraith Tweak While the Farmer's Faire Kicks Off

The Lord of the Rings Online has made another tweak to its Legendary Server Wraith spawns with update 41.1, all while the denizens of Middle-earth prep for the Farmer's Faire.

Shadowy Wraiths Are Being Adjusted Further On LotRO's Legendary Servers Following Player Feedback

The Lord of the Rings Online is continuing to adjust its number of Shadowy Wraith spawns, this time looking into how they can remove them from story instances after player feedback.

LotRO Is Reducing The Frequency Of Some Of Its Wraith Encounters On New Legendary Servers

Get defeated by that Shadowy Wraith that popped up out of nowhere? Well, those occurrences will be less frequent in LotRO's new Legendary Angmar and Mordor worlds, according to a new post by the developers.

Lord of the Rings Online's New Legendary Server's Wraith Mechanic Is Creating Some Wicked Fun

The Lord of the Rings Online's new Legendary Servers launched last week, bringing its new variant of Wraith-y fun to Middle-earth. And Bradford can't get enough.

LotRO's Legendary Servers, Mordor and Angmar, Open Today With Its Veil of the Nine Event

LotRO's latest legendary worlds, Angmar and Mordor, are live today, bringing with them the new Veil of the Nine world event to challenge players.

The Lord of the Rings Online's Update 41 Brings New Birdwatching Hobby To Middle-earth Today

The Lord of the Rings Online's Update 41 launches today, bringing the new Birdwatching Hobby to Middle-earth Bird Enthusiasts everywhere.

LotRO's Legendary Angmar And Mordor Worlds Open On August 1st

The Lord of the Rings Online's upcoming Legendary Worlds, Angmar and the EU-based Mordor, will officially launch on August 1st, bringing the new worlds and their new world event to VIP players.

LotRO Is Testing Its European Mordor Server Today, Though No Concrete Launch Date Just Yet

The Lord of the Rings Online is testing its Mordor legendary server today, stressing the server ahead of its eventual launch.

LotRO's Update 41 Tentatively Scheduled For July 31st, New Legendary Servers Launch Date 'To Be Determined'

The next update to The Lord of the Rings Online was tentatively slated to launch on the 23rd of July, but has been pushed back, with the team now aiming for July 31st for Update 41.