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Lightbringers: Saviors of Raia Logo

Lightbringers: Saviors of Raia

Frima Studios | Official Site

  • Genre:

    Action RPG
  • Setting:

  • PVP:

  • Classification:

  • Engine:

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  • Developer:

    Frima Studios
  • Status:

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Lightbringers: Saviors of Raia Overview

Lightbringers: Saviors of Raia is a cross-platform mobile and social action RPG. In the game, you play in the land of Raia as you explore the land and fight a mysterious event that has turned everyone into monsters. Luckily, you happen to be one of the Lightbringers, a group responsible for cleaning up such messes. Lightbringers will be the key to ending this threat. The free to play game lets players customize their characters' builds and decide what kind of heroes they want to be. Lightbringers blends hack n' slash gameplay in a realtime, multiplayer/co-op format with hundreds of enemies onscreen in crazy action arenas. FEATURES
  • Play With Friends Across Networks | Lightbringers: Saviors of Raia lets you play together with friends on Facebook or mobile, no matter what platform you use.
  • Arenas, arenas, and more arenas | The action gameplay takes place in over 70 arenas, which should keep players busy for a while.
  • Customize Your Hero & Path |Collect or craft almost 300 orbs in order to equip and choose custom builds and paths for your heroes.
Fun & Balanced But Repetitive

Lightbringers by Frima Studios is an RPG that’s playable through your browser on the web, through the Facebook interface and now, on the iOS as well as Android platforms. I played it on the iOS platform on an iPad3. It will not run on the iPad2 or the iPad Mini (same processor as the iPad2, smaller screen). Frima is well aware of the demands of the game as the first tip you see when you boot up the game is to shut down all other apps and use WiFi instead of 3-G.