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Legends of Aria

Citadel Studios | Official Site


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Legends of Aria Leaving Early Access, Launching With Point Release 10 On July 8th

Legends of Aria, the MMORPG from Citadel Studios, will be leaving Early Access on July 8th, as announced on their official blog today.

Legends of Aria: Feature Highlight - Housing

The Legends of Aria team is hard at work on this quiet Monday, this time coming at the community with a brand new feature video. In this latest edition of the Feature Highlight series, viewers get a look at the housing system as it will be present in the game.

Legends of Aria: Feature Highlight - The Karma System

Citadel Studios has released a brand new video to explain one of the big features coming in Legends of Aria. The video provides a brief overview of the Karma System.

MMOFTW - Legends of Aria Has A Launch Date

This week's MMOFTW is all about Legends of Aria's Steam launch date, Bless Online's F2P launch, New World's leaky leaks, and a ton of extra Blizzard stuff that landed. Watch and learn!

Legends of Aria: Steam Early Access Gameplay Trailer

Legends of Aria is coming to Steam Early Access on December 4th 2018!

Final Alpha - TheHiveLeader

Legends of Aria, formerly Shards Online, has launched its final alpha, and TheHiveLeader wants you to know about it. Did you like Ultima Online and other old-school MMOs? Then this might be the game for you!

Dev Livestream Part 1

This past weekend, Citadel Studios and Derek Brinkmann took over the MMORPG.com Twitch channel to live stream Shards Online as its alpha phase of development kicked off. It was a great time and was filled with a lot of information about Shards and a good look at the game.

Alpha Feature Highlights by TheHiveLeader

Our friend TheHiveLeader put together a great video highlighting some of the best features we have currently available in this Alpha Release.

Derek Brinkmann Takes Over MMORPG's Stream

This past weekend, Shards Online hosted a preview event for their upcoming Steam Alpha launch. CEO Derek Brinkmann took to the MMORPG.com Stream to broadcast some gameplay with MMORPG's own Ripper X. Lots of fun ensued! -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mmorpgcom

Steam Greenlight Trailer

Learn more at http://shardsonline.com