Legends of Aria Articles

Legends of Aria Classic is preparing for its May 9th launch, but before then, everyone has a chance to see what the revamped 'back to 2019' MMORPG is like by participating in the open beta starting today.

Citadel Studios' Legends of Aria Classic, which is a "return to our...ruleset of 2019" will launch in May, after a series of overhauls, pivot to pay to earn, then spinning off Classic.

Free to play is no longer planned for Legends of Aria, which dropped plans to have both web3 and F2P versions, but will now have a single-shard 'play and earn' model.

Legends of Aria, the MMO-turned-pay-to-earn blockchain game, has announced it will be delisting from Steam at the end of this month as they start to prep for its relaunch as a crypto title.

Legends of Aria to Relaunch, Renaming Current Version to 'Classic' and Opening Closed Beta Next Week
Legends of Aria will rebrand its current version as Classic, while relaunching in a new format, with new features, and a closed beta beginning next week.

Legends Of Aria will be moving towards a play to earn model, but will have a free option too. There will be tokens, NFTs, and more options.

Citadel Studios, developer of Legends of Aria, has entered a deal to be acquired by NFT games company Blue Monster. The new Blue Monster plans to add NFTs and tokens to LoA as part of an overall "metaversification" of its IPs.

Legends of Aria posted its first development update since December of 2020, cluing fans into what is going on a bit behind the scenes at developer Citadel Studios. The big news? Point Release 11 has been postponed indefinitely, with CS citing loss of "key" members of the MMO's development team.

The Legends of Aria team have detailed what you can expect in Season 7 and more.

Legends of Aria has provided an update on the Outlands, but part two this time, as part of point release 11.

The Legends of Aria team have shared the top fighters for their Arena Summer 2020 winners.

Season 6: Toil and Trouble for Legends of Aria is set to release today.

The Halloween Deco Competition for Legends of Aria has arrived challenging your decoration skills.

The experimental server for Legends of Aria is set to receive several adjustments to PvP as part of the latest patch.

Point Release 11 is slowly on the way for Legends of Aria, with the team providing a closer look at the Outlands in their latest development update.