<Adonys> And if we come up, or you come up with good ideas and ways to do that, we'll do it.
<Guest538> Language barrier could be a beginning... but I'm not here to give you ideas hehehe... just to get info.
<Adonys> :)
<Adonys> Our boards are always open for suggestions.
<Adonys> You're welcome to post them in there.
<Guest538> You have spent a lot of time on this issue though... thank you.
<Adonys> YW
<Feylan> I've read as much as I can find on the current website as far as lore and history goes, and I've noticed a few links missing from the old RoT website such as a few of the race pages. What I'm most interested in, though, is the lore behind the world, its history, the prior conflicts and wars, etc. Is this information coming, and when?!
<Feylan> Also, I would like to put out a very strong YES for having an enforced lore/RP server run by Lore-GMs, even if I have to pay extra fees per month for it.
<Adonys> Ok, well, atm we were focusing on finishing the gameplay systems first.
<Adonys> As soon as we have the core system ready, we'll start polishing that. During this time we'll focus on the lore too.
<Feylan> Will you have the lore developed before beta and/or release?
<Adonys> Well, a part of the lore will be finished before release.
<Adonys> The stuff you'll see in game.
<Adonys> The lore as a whole is much more complicated than what you know from our site or from what we have said about it.
<Feylan> Good.
<Feylan> Will that lore be implemented in game, though?
<Adonys> In fact, we're aiming towards making a base system for our game and you'll have some (awesome we hope) surprises in game regarding the lore and its evolution.
<Feylan> ie: will the mechanics reflect the lore?
<Feylan> Will these be revealed in Beta, or only in the gold release?
<Adonys> Both ways, they are interconnected, so we can't really say.
<Adonys> LOL, not even at gold release.
<Adonys> The biggest part of the lore, and the true part (you'll understand that later on) will be triggered after a while after game's release.
<Feylan> Hmm ok
<Adonys> Most probably half a year or so.
<Feylan> In-game story development is good
<Feylan> but
<Feylan> From experience with prior games (Shadowbane) which promised the same, how do you plan to maintain this with the tasks of improving and adding to the game mechanics?
<Adonys> To give players the time to get used to the game mechanics and world, then we'll trigger the lore/plot main events in game and some awesome things will start to happen.
<Adonys> Via LGMs and some players. (masters, heroes, Orders)
<Feylan> That's their ONLY job?
<Adonys> LGMs? Yes
<Adonys> They are different than CSR/GMs.
<Feylan> Thank you. :) That definitely makes me happy.
<Adonys> YW
<Feylan> Again, strong YES on an enforced lore/RP server.
<Adonys> I hope you'll be even happier when things will start happen and you'll understand what Mourning's really all about.
<Adonys> I noted that :PPP
<Feylan> All done :)
<Adonys> TY
<Dekar> Can player make massive objects other than cities? So for example build up barricades (for fights) or bridges and guard towers?
<Adonys> When the building part of the game makes it in, yes.
<Adonys> But not at game's release (unfortunately we don't have time to complete those systems until then).
<Dekar> The building part?
<Adonys> Yes, city building, eventually housing, etc.
<Dekar> ok :)
<Arrak> Will Avians be able to fly and fight?
<Adonys> First of all, Avians and trolls as playable races won't be in game at release time.
<Adonys> But they will be available later on in the game (most probably in the same time as the main lore/plot events will be triggered).
<Adonys> Secondly, Avians don't fly, but rather hover.
<Adonys> That means they are floating at a certain constant distance from the ground in the air, following terrain heights.
<Adonys> They won't be able to make combat actions during the hover mode as that would grant them a rather unfair advantage next to the melee only PC's.
<Adonys> As those melee only PC's can't reach them in any way.
<[BC]Seconis> You say on the website that respectable Orders are invited to the pre-release beta. I was wondering how one would go about getting their Order invited.
<Adonys> Here's a thread specially created for this:
<Adonys> http://www.realmsoftorment.net/forums/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=6389
<[BC]Seconis> Ah, thank you.
<Adonys> The guild's master or mourning representative will have to register on our forums, then present their guild in that thread.
<Adonys> And in the general clans and guild forum.
<[BC]Seconis> And would there be a greater chance for the guild and chosen members to participate in the beta?
<Adonys> We'll consider all those applications by the time we start the 3rd closed beta stage.
<[BC]Seconis> Alright, thank you very much
<Adonys> We'll try to find out as much as we can about those guilds (using our gaming connections), and the ones which make a good impression on us will get some beta spots depending on various things.
<Adonys> Like their total members number, their active members number, guild's age and games in which they played, experience, renown, impression, our feelings etc.
<Adonys> Then we'll contact those guilds' representatives, and we'll talk about the details.
<Adonys> YW
<schroed3r> What will be implemented to encourage group play?
<schroed3r> This is a MMORPG but many people treat them like single player games and refuse to group.
<Adonys> We'll encourage that kind of play but NOT to the point which makes soloing useless or boring.
<schroed3r> A lot of people feel the XP and loot is better if they just play single.
<Adonys> We strongly believe that the solo gameplay should be a base asset for any MMORPG.
<schroed3r> Ok, thanks, one more thing please...
<Adonys> Not to mention that letting people choose their own way of playing would be the wisest and best solution.
<schroed3r> Will combat in this game be real time strategic interaction, or will it be more of a cinema where you queue up your moves, sit back and watch.
<Adonys> lol
<Adonys> We are aiming towards a very tactical style of combat.
<Adonys> That means if you do that, you'll be carried home on your shield pretty quick.
<schroed3r> I came from SWG, where you would queue up your moves, auto attack, spam buttons, go grab food, come back 5 min later, monster dead.
<Adonys> Yes, and that's called macroing, we hate that.
<schroed3r> It got very boring fast, I like a thinking chess game in combat.
<Adonys> Of course we can't really block all kind of macroing (it would be next to impossible to achieve that, unfortunately).
<schroed3r> Where I have to predict what my opponent is going to do and then think of a counter.
<Adonys> Well, we want people's real life skills and knowledge to count more in combat that their character's.
<schroed3r> Thanks for the response, I'm really looking forward to this game.
<Adonys> TY
<Adonys> Also, regarding the less and less mp from MMORPG tendency, we don't want to do that, for example the recently dungeon instantiation trend.
<schroed3r> A lot of games are ruined by overpowered equipment and buffs.
<schroed3r> No reason to group when you can go out and solo the game yourself.
<Adonys> Not really, you see, people are social animals.
<schroed3r> Hehehe yes but people are also greedy.
<Adonys> And even if the soloing is slightly better than grouping, people will still prefer grouping.
<Adonys> At least, most of them.
<schroed3r> Why group and share when you can get all for yourself?
<Adonys> :)
<schroed3r> At least that is my dealings with other MMORPGS
<Adonys> Well, you'll have to balance that and the time you spent alone in world with the time you spend with some friends.
<schroed3r> Good point; I just would like to see monsters that can't be soloed.
<Adonys> Some will prefer the solo way, some the grouped one.
<Adonys> LOL, don't worry, there will be plenty of them.
<schroed3r> Awesome, thanks again
<Adonys> :)
<Adonys> YW
<SC|Zunaah> I'd like to know if there is a cap on the amount of members allowed within a clan/Order and if there is a limit to the size of an Alliance between multiple Orders. As well, could you give an estimate on how many it would take to capture a village? Do you foresee it taking the strength of multiple Orders, working together, to just take a village?
<Adonys> Yes, there will be a cap on both an Order members and an Alliance Orders number.
<SC|Zunaah> The amount still being worked out?
<Adonys> Regarding the second, that will greatly depend on the skills and numbers of the involved, both attacking and defending.
<Adonys> The specific amount will be subject to beta balancing.
<SC|Zunaah> Thank you.
<Adonys> YW
<OBC> What stops a large Order/Alliance taking over the world? And a quick yes/no; Will there be possibility to duel to permadeath?
<Adonys> The other Orders/Alliances, and if that fails, the LGMs and gods.
<Adonys> You see, only the Orders from the same realm can form an Alliance, and as such they'll have the same religion.
<OBC> Ah, i see :)
<Adonys> Gods from other religions won't be so pleased with that and they'll do their best to help their people too. ;)
<OBC> Ok, so its always balanced?
<Adonys> It will be, or at least we'll try as hard as we can.
<OBC> Good!
<Adonys> :)
<Kilguren> How will archery be balanced in PvE? Will there be actual ammunitions or unlimited arrows? Will kitting and/or perching be considered viable techniques? Will there be arrows with 'magic' properties?
<Adonys> The same way it will be balanced for PvP.
<Adonys> Most likely they'll have a rather long time to deploy, un-deploy, etc.
<Kilguren> So you see archers more as someone who doesn't move at all to fight?
<Adonys> They'll also have their movements greatly limited if they'll use higher armors (like plate and scale for example).
<Adonys> No, but we have to give them some drawbacks as well for their greater range and first attacking advantage.
<Adonys> In real life, you couldn't really beat an army of archers with great mobility.
<Adonys> Remember Poitiers, Agincourt and the Mongol hordes.
<Adonys> So, we have to make sure they'll get enough drawbacks to balance their advantages granted by their use of ranged combat weapons.
<Adonys> Regarding the kitting and perching exploits, we'll try to avoid them as much as we can, even at the cost of some not so natural things/systems; atm there won't be any types of magic arrows.
<Adonys> Later, most likely.
<Adonys> "Will there be possibility to duel to permadeath?"
<Adonys> Yes, in fact, we have even thought of some lore thinking about this aspect, ie the orcs' case, as a tribal society, we felt appropriate to make their leadership ascension via fierce PD leader challenges.
<Adonys> Also, this PD fighting will only occur with both players acceptance.
<Adonys> There can be other PD situations in which this accept isn't needed from the both parts, being assumed due to the way this PD situation occurred.
<Adonys> But the player in PD situation will be warned about this nevertheless.
<Adonys> For example this can occur in some special quest situations, special monsters or for players "marked" as griefers.
<Adonys> ok
<Sabbit> How long will it take to conceive a child? Will there be a waiting period? If we don't like it do we just kill it?
<Sabbit> Is there any pregnancy period for the women?
<Adonys> Basically there will be no "pregnancy" period.
<Sabbit> Can we have kids at any game age?
<Adonys> They are conceived in the instant players want them.
<Adonys> They also won't be spawned in game world until the moment the player decides to switch it with his current character.
<Adonys> We flirted some time ago with the idea of having those as pets which can follow you and behave like usual pets, to allow a "training" period.
<Sabbit> Do I have the option to kill it and try again?
<Adonys> Unfortunately, that can be too much in terms of resources used.
<Adonys> You don't need to kill them as they are only virtual until the moment you'll decide to switch to it.
<Sabbit> So I might be stuck with a gimp, in a matter of speaking?
<Adonys> lol
<Adonys> no
<Adonys> They will be the same as any new created character.
<sabbit> Aahh ok gotcha.
<Adonys> Even better, as they'll advance faster in some skills if they came from a marriage.
<Adonys> YW
<sabbit> Yeah, I see thanks.
<Kestra_HA> Along those same lines, if your current character can have up to 4 children do they have to have the same parents? ie does divorce happen once the child is "born" or you have to keep the person you married till you die?
<Adonys> No, they can be from different parents.
<Adonys> Another gameplay vs. RPG situation, but that's not a final word regarding that.
<Kestra_HA> Ah good, so the "marriage" isn't permanent.
<Adonys> We're not 100% decided about this.
<Adonys> lol... :D
<Kestra_HA> Choose your partner wisely in other words.
<Adonys> Well, you have to do that anyway in a MMORPG, otherwise you'll die way more often than you'd like to :PPP
<Kestra_HA> What about different races? Can they mate each other?
<Adonys> Yes
<Kestra_HA> Cool
<Kestra_HA> Thank you!
<Adonys> But even if we'll allow that, the children won't be from a mixed up race; but they'll be from both parents' races.
<Adonys> YW
<Kilguren> Ok 2 questions regarding economy :) 1st is short
<Kilguren> Will items degrade themselves in a non reversible way? Meaning that when you repair an almost broken weapon, it doesn't return to 100% of its condition, but something like 95% ?
<Adonys> Why do I feel that the answers won't be short?!!
<Adonys> Well, the answer is yes.
<Kilguren> Because it's 3am for you! *gg*
<Adonys> But the rate at which that happens is really dependant on who you ask to repair it.
<Kilguren> Ok makes sense. 2nd question then.... longer one :)
<Kilguren> Is the concept of capping the amount of currencies in the world definitively abandoned? If not, has it been thought already how to introduce it without destroying the existing economy? If it is abandoned, what will serve the purpose of fighting the natural increase of money in the world, and hence the general inflation seen in all mmorpgs?
<Adonys> The capping concept is alive and is doing very well, thank you for asking! :PPP
<Adonys> The world's economy will be a rather closed one.
<Kilguren> To my knowledge, it wouldn't make it for release... Am I wrong?
<Adonys> In fact, an only slightly opened one.
<Adonys> Yes, it consists of things which are already in the beta (well, most of them).
<Adonys> The limited spawned resources, the limited supplies/money, NPC vendors, etc.
<Adonys> Even the way the loot is dropped.
<Adonys> An open ended economy is doomed right from the start, which can be seen in most of the MMORPGs out there, if not in all of them.
<Adonys> Of course, making a totally closed economy won't work from the appealing gameplay point of view.
<Adonys> We're searching for that thin line which separates the closed realistic economy from the open ended one.
<Adonys> If we'll succeed or not in this search will remain to be seen.
<Dekar> You said religions will be race based, but I can remember, that some gods can be prayed to by everyone. So does everyone in an Order has to have the same religion, even if they are not all the same race?
<Adonys> At the time of release, all the religion will be mostly race based.
<Adonys> As will the realms be too.
<Adonys> In time the players' options will change that.
<Dekar> So can an Order consist of members of different religions?
<Adonys> Ok, I'll explain it, you see, the religions are race based.
<Adonys> But they aren't monotheistic
<Adonys> ie having only one god, like Christianity.
<Adonys> Each religion will have many gods in it.
<Adonys> And each god from this religion will have a sort of "sect" of its own.
<Adonys> Its own religion.
<Adonys> The way the ancient Greek gods were venerated by themselves, not a religion as a whole.
<Dekar> Will gods belong to more than one of the race religions?
<Adonys> People belonging to the same racial religion can in fact pray to different gods from this religion.
<Adonys> Not likely.
<Dekar> I see.
<Adonys> But players can switch their own religion to whatever they want to; ie towards the places they'll chose to live in.
<Dekar> The sect or the racial religion?
<Adonys> Both sect and racial religion.
<Adonys> More, as parts of realms, Orders will have to chose the protection of one of the gods from that religion, ie their realm religion.
<Adonys> If they force that religion onto their members or not is a matter still being discussed.
<Adonys> We can force members to assume the Order's religion, or we can let the Orders decide for themselves.
<Dekar> But the Orders can pray to different gods in the same realm religion, or will all have the same god in the whole realm then?
<Adonys> Most likely the second way.
<Adonys> They can pray to different gods, but from the same religion.
<Dekar> And couldn't it be problematic if two gods start to fight each other if they have members in the same realm or even Order?
<Adonys> Yes, and that will generate conflicts and gameplay.
<Dekar> Who is stronger, the politics or the religion? :)
<Adonys> The fiercest wars humanity knew were religious ones.
<Adonys> It all depends on the way that realms are made.
<Adonys> If it's based more on politics than religion (for humans for example), then not; but if is based more on religion (like elves, or even orcs) then religion can be more important.
<Dekar> Ok I think the idea of religion became clearer for me. :)
<Adonys> Also, these things we're talking about will be only the initial world's setting, after the release, as it is a dynamic system, players will have a greater influence regarding the way it will develop.
<Dekar> Killing a god?
<Adonys> LOL, well, that can happen too.
<Adonys> Ok guys, that would be all for today!
<Adonys> You must, please, excuse Athos, he got some power problems because of a storm and couldn't came back.
<Adonys> We hope you really enjoyed this chat, and that some of your questions got their answers.
<Adonys> Also, as the open beta/release time is closing in, we'll have more of these chats too, so there will still be time to have your questions answered.
<Adonys> And of course you're welcome to use our boards for that too!