Dark or Light

It's Everything a 40k Fan Could Possibly Want

Shannon Doyle Posted:
Interviews 0

Meeting Miguel Caron was an absolute pleasure. Though I personally am not into Warhammer 40k, (it’s a bit too dark for my taste) I always take great pleasure in meeting developers who are passionate about the game they’re making and Miguel has enough passion to fuel an entire studio and then some. He was exciting to listen to and even though there wasn’t any hands-on time with the game we still left the meeting excited. Perhaps what made it so exciting was the talk of technology integration on a level that is practically unheard of.

You see, Warhammer 40,000 Eternal Crusade won’t just be another shooter. Behaviour Interactive is teaming up with Razer to bring players the most options they possibly can. Razer Comms will allow for 1 on 1 instant messaging, integrated voice chat (more on that soon), groups and channels and much more. All of this simulating communication as it has already been represented in the 4k universe.

Of course the Razer connection isn’t just limited to Comms. Are you planning on getting a Razer Nabu? You’ll be able to get messages from your fellow players straight to your Nabu. As if we needed another reason to want one! This means you won’t have to be at your computer, or even at your house to find out what’s going on in game. You’ll be able to get information straight to your wrist.

But lets go back to Comms for just a moment. Remember I mentioned integrated voice chat? Well Games Workshop is known for strict rules that keep all Warhammer experiences authentic to the original ideals. For Eternal Crusade this means not only getting the feel of the game right but also focusing on very small details that really set the game apart from others. What do I mean? Well as I said before Eternal Crusade will have voice integration. But if you’re playing an Ork and sound like you’re from Louisiana, well, maybe that’s ok for you after all it is your voice. But Games Workshop and Behaviour Interactive have something more in mind for you. They want to make it so if you’re playing an Ork you sound like an Ork. This is being done through voice manipulation in connection with the Razer Comms system. This sort of attention to detail is something I love! Ultimately it is what sets Warhammer 40,000 Eternal Crusade apart from other games out there right now.

The rest of my time with Miguel was a crash course in the ever so depressing universe that is Warhammer 40,000. Of course, being married to a fan I already had somewhat of an idea about it. But actually hearing about it in detail like that…well, lets just say that it isn’t my cup of tea. That being said though, I can absolutely understand why it is so popular. Games Workshop hires passionate people, the studios that make their games are passionate, and really it is passion that fuels it all.

Passion that shines with things like the current ongoing fan fiction competition. The task is simple, write a short story based on the descent to Arkhona. Behaviour Interactive will pick five winners who will then be passed on to the award winning Warhammer 40,000 author Graham McNeill! If nothing else that should tell you that Games Workshop is going all in on this game. The competition closes on Monday, August 25th which is coming up on us quite quickly, so if you plan on getting your story in best do it quickly. The prizes for the three winners include founders packs and gifts from Graham McNeill. The stories will also be featured on the Eternal Crusade website!

There may not have been much to see at Gamescom for Eternal Crusade but it was still exciting getting to meet Miguel and the rest of the Behaviour Interactive team who were there. If ever you had any doubts about Behaviour’s ability to faithfully create a Warhammer 40k game I can assure you that they aren’t necessary. These guys are pouring their hearts and souls into making Eternal Crusade everything that a 40k fan could possibly want. Because in the end they want a game that not only are they proud of but a game that they would be happy playing themselves.