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Dev Chat Follow-Up Q&A

Laura Genender Posted:
Interviews 0

The Chronicles of Spellborn - Dev Chat Follow-Up Q&A

Back on December 17th, the team from The Chronicles of Spellborn stopped by MMORPG.com for a dev chat. Today, they answer the questions that they didn't have time to answer live in this special Q&A.

Don't forget to check out our next Chronicles of Spellborn Dev Chat this Sunday!


Dyng-Johan asks: Will good healing skills affect damage output? if so, in what way?


Most of our skills have multiple effects and some even have a turn-side when executed incorrectly. This also counts for the healing skills. There are just a few skills, which simply heal your target without improving or decreasing something else.


scaphism asks: how is healing handled. Is it a targeted heal or an area of effect?


There are multiple types of healing effects. Some well-known basics are direct healing, healing over time and taking life on hit. However, there are also AoE’s like poison gas clouds, which have a healing effect the first 5 seconds they’re inhaled, but turn into a deadly poison afterwards


Shizu asks: What have you done to prevent bunny hopping ?


We have implemented several features to prevent bunny hopping from actually being useful. Mainly, the jump height is dependant of the movement speed. Hence, players will jump less high when they have their weapon drawn, due to the slightly lowered movement speed. Having your weapon sheathed will make you jump higher, but you will also receive a double damage.

We have several more systems ready to prevent bunny hopping, currently not enabled - we want to see how this turns out in closed beta first. We do not want to limit player movement too much. The bunny hopping itself is also of questionable, so we’re really curious how it will actually be used.


bornspeller asks: Is it possible to swim in TCoS? Will there be an underwater Level or a underwater quest? Or will there maybe be a place which is only reachable by diving through water?


Not on release


Wolfsheim asks: Is there underwater combat?


Not on release. In Spellborn we want to work out everything in detail. We wouldn’t want underwater combat to be exactly the same as normal combat, but with players floating.


Dyng-Johan asks: TCoS will use FPS style in combat, will a sword swing hit all enemies within the "swing"-radius or only the one in your "aim"?


Depends on the skill: most hit your main target specifically, others hit multiple.


Wolfsheim asks: Are there status effects like being blinded, confused, charmed, feared, poison, etc?


Yes, but none take/remove control of your character. Unlike traditional root, stun, fear and polymorph effects, you will always have some control and be fighting back, until you or your target is dead. You might loose combat effectiveness, but it will never be ‘zero’.


scaphism asks: "Is there a way to increase the speed that it takes for your skilldeck to go onto the next level after selecting a skill".


No, we experimented with it, but eventually it turned out that the entire combat revolved around making your skilldeck rotate faster, which wasn’t what we wanted.


scaphism asks: "will there be non pvp zones for combat or will all areas be open for it."


There will be separate pvp enabled areas within normal pve areas.


Valdios asks: Is there a opportunity to heal myself during combat (potions, scrolls etc)?


No (just skills)

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