Dark or Light

CSM Interview - Dierdra Vaal

Garrett Fuller Posted:
Interviews 0


What was the most exciting news at CCP's Fan Fest?

Dierdra Vaal:

For me it was the new planet graphics. Sure Incarna, Dust and Dominion are cool, but we didn't hear anything really new about them. We knew the planets would get new graphics but man, CCP really exceeded my expectations with them.


Tell us about the EVE round table discussions you have with CCP. Are they successful in bringing player concerns to the front lines?

Dierdra Vaal:

I have had a very positive response from the roundtables. I remember last year's FF 0.0 roundtable focused a lot on improving your own space and that's what the devs are making now. The private CSM/CCP roundtables that happen serve much the same function, and the best example of that is in fact the Dominion expansion which is strongly based on the FF and CSM roundtables on the 0.0 subject.


As the chairman of EVE's CSM how often to you play? What is your favorite ship?

Dierdra Vaal:

I usually play 1-3 hours a day - a bit more on the weekends. At least, that's how long I log in for: with the CSM and my director duties at Eve University, the time I actually spend flying around is a lot less.

My favourite ship at the moment is probably the Pilgrim. It cloaks, does damage, can tank, tackles AND does two kinds of electronic warfare. What's not to love?


Do you have an example of how the CSM and CCP have worked together to fix a major problem in the game for players?

Dierdra Vaal:

Well the upcoming Dominion 0.0 changes is the biggest one so far I think. Other issues that have been fixed because of the CSM include suicide ganking (this used to be too easy - it's still possible but not as trivial anymore), fuel bays (especially on the BlackOps ships) and of course the upcoming Eve Mail changes, which we've been requesting since day 1.


What part of EVE is the most fun for you? Space combat, mining and economy, or running a corporation?

Dierdra Vaal:

It's a tie between running a corporation (I must be mad!) and combat. I'm not really an economic player, which is why I'm not rich. I quite like PvP, though PvE combat is generally quite boring.



What are your feelings on DUST 514? Are you excited about the game?

Dierdra Vaal:

I don't own a console, and I prefer FPS games with mouse and keyboard, so I'm not personally excited about Dust as a game in itself (it looks a lot like Battlefield 2142 which I already own). However, I really like the idea of expanding the Eve universe like this and making these two different games work together. I think it will add a lot of interesting gameplay to the Eve universe as a whole.


What is the one update you would like to see added to EVE that has not been done?

Dierdra Vaal:

I really dig the idea that CCP calls 'Corruption'. It's basically a big expansion idea focusing on low sec and gameplay on the wrong side of the law. I feel this could tie in quite well with my proposal for a new bounty hunter system. Overall, low sec may be the most neglected part of the game - or at least a part that has no real purpose at the moment - and I think itw ould be great if it got the attention and bits of unique gameplay it deserves. I have a feeling it's going to happen in the next 2 years though ;)


How is it working with your fellow Council members? Is it hard to get everyone to agree on certain issues?

Dierdra Vaal:

Well we don't all have to agree. Some issues pass with the smallest majority, but they still pass and that's democracy. I personally haven't seen issues I thought were good get voted down in CSM3, so I think the system works very well.


Where do you see EVE headed in 2010, 2011...beyond?

Dierdra Vaal:

I think CCP will continue to expand the universe and what we can do with it - and then let the players figure out how they want to use that. Incarna (walking in stations) is going to add a whole new dimension to the game - both from a gameplay perspective as well as from an immersion perspective - and with New Eden ('spacebook') CCP will open up a lot of new ways to interact with the Eve universe. I think Eve Online is starting to evolve from a game - a simple environment to play in - to an actual universe, a complex environment for people to interact with and in.


What other games do you play besides EVE?

Dierdra Vaal:

Mostly FPS games. I play a lot of Team Fortress 2, some Battlefield 2142 and Battlefield Heroes. Audiosurf too when I'm feeling casual. I probably should reinstall Neverwinter Nights 2 soon...


Garrett Fuller

Garrett Fuller / Garrett Fuller has been playing MMOs since 1997 and writing about them since 2005. He joined MMORPG.com has a volunteer writer and now handles Industry Relations for the website. He has been gaming since 1979 when his cousin showed him a copy of Dungeons and Dragons. When not spending time with his family, Garrett also Larps and plays Airsoft in his spare time.