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AoC Blog Kicks Off!

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Age of Conan - AoC Blog Kicks Off!

Yesterday, an entry from designer Jason Stone kicked off our official Age of Conan developer blogs.

Jason Stone, a designer on Age of Conan, has just kicked off a new Age of Conan blog here at MMORPG.com. In this first entry, Jason introduces himself and the Age of Conan blog where he hopes to "ghlight the goings on in the Age of Conan community, respond to community questions and feedback, give you sneak peeks into my own Beta experiences, and share tidbits from my life as a lucky sap who ended up with every nerdy gamers dream job."

Welcome to the first Age of Conan developer’s blog here on MMORPG.com. For the time being I will be the only contributor but as time goes on we hope some of the other dev team members get time to participate. Who am I you ask? Well that’s the very first questions I would like to answer. My name is Jason Stone, I am also known as “Athelan” both on these forums, in interviews and on the official forums. For the past three and a half years I have worked as a designer on Age of Conan. Some of my areas of responsibility have been with combat and PvP and being heavily involved in the design and iteration of those areas. Now I am only one designer out of many designers with different specialties and responsibilities and it takes all of us to produce a great game.

Please follow this link to our Blogs area to read the whole thing.

--- Edit - added second blog entry --

Jason Stone, a developer at Funcom, updates his Age of Conan blog here at MMORPG.com. This time around, Jason talks about Cheetah 2, Open Beta and even takes some time to answer a number of questions from MMORPG.com readers.

First I want to thank all of you for the great feedback and excitement of those who have stopped by to read the new blog. Second, even if it is re-hashing what many of you already know I want to re-quote/link to the Open Beta message clarification posted by our Community Manager Pharamond:

Read the whole entry here.


Guest Writer