
Dark or Light

Whitemane Spotlight - A Hybrid DPS - Healing Hero

MMORPG.com Staff Posted:
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Whitemane Spotlight - A Hybrid DPS - Healing Hero

High Inquisitor Sally Whitemane is coming to the Heroes of the Storm Nexus in the near future and Blizzard has revealed that she will be something of a hybrid healing DPS class. Whitemane will heal her allies by damaging her opponents and she has some interesting abilities to make that happen.

As the High Inquisitor of the Scarlet Crusade, Sally Whitemane zealously leads her champions in a never-ending war against the undead. Under her guiding Light, all who have been touched by the plague of death will be purged by her cleansing flame… even those who attempt to hide in the Nexus!

Find out more about her abilities on the Heroes of the Storm site.


MMORPG.com Staff