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Maiev Spotlight - a Melee Assassin Who Deals AoE Devastation

MMORPG.com Staff Posted:
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Maiev Spotlight - a Melee Assassin Who Deals AoE Devastation

Maiev Shadowsong is coming to the Heroes of the Storm PTR next week and presumably entering the live game a week or two later. She is a melee assassin who deals devastating AoE damage. One of her signature moves is Vault of the Wardens. *cues snickerfest from Legion players* The video shows off all of Maiev's abilities including her ultimates.

Maiev Shadowsong stood watch over the imprisoned Betrayer for ten thousand years, and hunted him relentlessly after he was released. Some say she’s determined; others say she’s obsessed. Either way, she will stop at nothing to ensure the security of her world.


MMORPG.com Staff