Heroes & Generals Articles

Reto-Moto has sent word that Heroes & Generals has been updated to bring the new "Capture and Hold Tank" mode into the game. During this 8v8 event, players are fighting for a single control point along with AI infantry units. In addition, players can look forward to UI improvements, a more balanced recon vehicle assortment and the newly-added Korean localized version.

Reto-Moto has sent word that Heroes & Generals has been updated with the "Stronghold" patch to bring a host of new features online including a new map, new tank destroyers and improvements to the weapon recoil system.

Reto Moto has sent word that Heroes & Generals has been patched with "Deploy! Drive! Destroy!" that developers consider the "biggest update ever". Every one of the 70+ vehicles in the game have been updated with new armor and improved damage systems. In addition, handling each has been improved to add "significant detail and depth to the game".

Reto Moto has pushed out a new video to show off the just-added Heroes & Generals Colmar Hamlet Encounter Mode map. The new location pits two teams of infantry against one another in a fight for control of a small town. Colmar is designed to allow new players to get a better feel for gameplay in Heroes & Generals, though veterans will find challenges as well.

RetoMoto has put out a brand new trailer for Heroes & Generals to introduce players to the latest "Battle Flow" patch. The update brings in some new level design improvements all based on community feedback. Most notably, large assault maps have been spruced up to improve gameplay and to provide a better battle environment.

The latest Heroes & Generals update has been deployed. Called the "Care Package" update, it most notably brings in a trio of handguns to the game that will benefit both new players and veterans. In addition, the community has asked for and received a number of quality of life improvements to the game.

Heroes & Generals has been updated with the Basic Training patch. The new player experience has been completely overhauled to "give newbies a fighting chance" in their earliest moments in the game. New task-based tutorial missions have been added with bots enemies to provide players with the basics.

Reto-Moto has sent word that the new Medic update has been released into Heroes & Generals. With it, players can now heal wounded teammates or themselves even in the heat of battle. Healing comes in two forms: Standard First Aid Kit and Medic Pouch. All factions and soldier types have access to both.

Reto-Moto has published an interesting look at the recent deployment of the "Engine Room" update. Improvements have been made in the way rendering place and how the engine utilizes CPU cores. As the result, around 20% frame-rate improvement has been noted by the tester pool. In addition, the team announced that they ended support for DirectX 9 based GPUs.

Reto-Moto has entered into an agreement with Lionsgate, the company behind the Oscar-nominated film Hacksaw Ridge. For a limited time, US players can purchase a special Heroes & Generals Steam bundle that contains a digital copy of the movie as well as 14 days Veteran Membership and a special Medkit.

The latest update has been deployed to Heroes & Generals. Called Wings of War, the patch brings new, simpler flight controls into the game alongside three new fighter planes.

Reto-Moto is ready to take 2017 by storm with a big year ahead for Heroes & Generals. The team is promising more frequent updates that will include new vehicles, planes and equipment that can be used on several new maps that will be arriving a bit later in the year.

The latest Heroes & Generals update has been deployed that brings a number of new aircraft into the game as well as the "tail gunner mechanic" that allows players to be a support player in both planes and tanks.

Heroes & Generals players who take part in team play will be receiving some nice boons thanks to the Reto-Moto dev team. XP bonuses will be applied for assisting in a kill, protecting the team's tank or when teammates use their vehicle's weapons. In addition, Heroes & Generals is moving off the browser platform to a stand alone client that can be downloaded from the official site or played via Steam.

Reto-Moto has announced that Heroes & Generals has officially entered full retail release as of today, Friday, September 23rd. Players can download the game client directly from the H&G site or can play via Steam.