
Dark or Light

Lore Update

Craig McGregor Posted:
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The official Guild Wars site has added a new chapter in their "short story" about the game.  You will also find 2 new pieces of concept art.  Here is a snippet from the story:

The wind picked up, and Devona pulled her furs more tightly around her neck.

The view was breathtaking-the light blue heavens, the bright yellow sun, the soft white clouds-a dramatic contrast to the scorched black sky that hung over Kyhlo. Even the ground was different. Instead of canyons of parched red dirt and cracked, dried mud, here there were rocky mountains and rolling drifts of snow. Translucent pillars of sparkling blue ice cascaded down over sheer cliffs and hung from the branches of overburdened pine trees.

But more spectacular than all of these were the deep valleys between the jagged peaks. From where she stood, Devona could look down and down until all below her was lost in a gauzy whiteness that obscured completely where one mountain stopped and the other began. To the west, she could see far into the distance, days ahead of where she stood right now. The Shiverpeaks were huge, more massive than anything she'd ever seen.

You can read the full story at this link.


Craig McGregor