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Guild Wars Articles

Super Fan Contest

ArenaNet has announced that they will be holding a Guild Wars Super Fan contest, where the winning super fans will be receive an invitation to the Guild Wars VIP party at PAX.

Favor of the Gods

ArenaNet has announced on the Guild Wars official site that there will be some changes made to the Favor of the Gods System.

Region Profile, Rata Sum

In the second of three features, Guild Wars: Eye of the North and MMORPG.com present this Region Profile on Rata Sum and the Asura, who inhabit it.

Region Profile, Rata Sum

In the second of three features, Guild Wars: Eye of the North and MMORPG.com present this Region Profile on Rata Sum and the Asura, who inhabit it.

Platinum Edition

ArenaNet and NCsoft have announced the new platinum edition of Guild Wars.

Sneak Peek Weekend

NCsoft has announced that players who pre order the first Guild Wars expansion, Eye of the North, will have early access to the game for 3 days starting August 24th.

Tournament Skill Stats

ArenaNet has compiled some interesting statistics about skill usage during the Guild Wars July Tournament.

Dragon Festival Redux

The folks over at ArenNet have announced that they will be holding their Dragon Festival event again, for those that missed it the first time around back in July.

Plans for PAX

The Folks over at Guild Wars have updated their site with a description of the many Guild Wars related activities that will be taking place at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX).

Eye of the North Guided E3 Demo Video

At this year's E3, Guild Wars: Eye of the North was demonstrated for media exclusively, but was not available on the show floor. Now for the first time gamers will be able to see this exclusive E3 demo in its entirety through the Guild Wars: Eye of the North guided E3 demo video.

Name the Boss Contest Results

The winners of the Guild Wars "Name the Boss" contest have been announced, with such instant classics as Molotov Rocktail, Baglorag Grumblesnort, and Gallow Nooseknitter making the final cut out of 7500 entries.

Tournament Series

The Guild Wars $100,000 tournament series continues this month, and ArenaNet has posted the tournament's eligibility rules and regulations to help you get a piece of the action.

Region Profile: Gunnar's Hold

In the first of three features, Guild Wars: Eye of the North and MMORPG.com present this Region Profile on Gunnar's Hold and the Norn, the wild people who populate it.

Eye of the North: Region Profile, Gunnar's Hold

In the first of three features, Guild Wars: Eye of the North and MMORPG.com present this Region Profile on Gunnar's Hold and the Norn, the wild people who populate it.

Eye of the North In Game Movie

NCsoft has released this new movie featuring in game video of the upcoming expansion Eye of the North. It tells the story of the expansion and shows off some features and action from the game.