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Guild Wars

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Guild Wars Articles

The Mad King's Revel

The folks at Guild Wars have announced details of their in-game Halloween events, which includes the return of Mad King Thorn and his crazy games.

State of the Game: Guru Challenge

The folks at Guild Wars have posted another edition of their state of the game articles, this time looking at the Guru Challenge.

Mox and the Imp

The folks at Guild Wars have announce the addition of two new NPC allies, Mox and the Fire Imp, to promote the release of Guild Wars Trilogy and the 2008 Game of the Year Edition.

Trade And Fan Show Schedule

The folks at Guild Wars have announced their schedule for the various trade shows and fan events that they will be attending during the convention season.

Guild Wars 2 FAQ

Arenanet has released a new FAQ page relating to their upcoming MMORPG, a follow-up to their successful Guild Wars franchise; Guild Wars 2.

Dragon Festival

The folks at Guild Wars have announced details of this year's Dragon Festival, which will include events and mini-games both old and new.

Zaishen Rewards Calendar

ArenaNet has posted a rewards calendar for Guild Wars which features a variety of tasty tonics.

Skill Balancing

The Guild Wars team has updated their Wiki page with this info on Skill Balancing.

New Tournamnet Rewards

ArenaNet has announced a new set of rewards for the 2008 Automated tournament series.

State of the Game

ArenaNet has posted the latest State of the Game article for Guild Wars, which introduces Dark Ally, a guild billed as one of the best in the game to never have won it all in the automated tournaments.

3rd Anniversary Sweepstakes

ArenaNet has announced that they are holding a sweepstakes to celebrate the third anniversary of Guild Wars.

Game Turns Three

The festivities began yesterday for the third anniversary of Guild Wars. Congratulations tot he GW team on hitting the three-year mark.

Guild Wars Art on Sarah Brightman Album

Symphony, the Latest album from Sarah Brightman will feature art from Guild Wars by ArenaNet Art Director Daniel Dociu.

New Community Person

Guild Wars is introducing their newest Community person. Her name is Regina Buenaobra and she started yesterday.

State of the Game

The most recent State of the Game article has been posted on the Guild Wars official site, and wraps up their look at midline strategies.