Guild Wars Articles

The Tyrian New Year will be celebrated once again with festive decorations, gifts, holiday treats and winter-appropriate weather of course. As a part of the Wintersday event celebration, has partnered with the Guild Wars team to give away two brand-new Wintersday costumes--the Grenth and Dwayna costumes--allowing players to dress their characters in style this season. These two costumes fit into new costume slots on your character portrait and can be worn over existing armor.

Each year the Tyrian New Year is celebrated in Guild Wars with the Wintersday Event, where the world of Tyria is treated to fun holiday weather, festive decorations, gifts, holiday treats, and more!

After receiving hundreds of entries to this year's Halloween Art Contest the 10 winners and 10 honorable mentions have been selected! The Grand Prize winner was Freyja Fimbulvetr who put together an excellent Guild Wars costume.

NCsoft has announced today a cross-game promotion between Aion and Guild Wars. Players that purchase an Aion Collector's Edition or a first run Aion Steelbook Edition will receive an emote in Guild Wars that will show off Aion-styled wings.

ArenaNet and NCsoft have finally lifted the veil on Guild Wars 2. We know many of you have been waiting with bated breath, and we've got quite the update for you!

The latest developer update from the folks at Guild Wars takes a look at balancing several PvE and PvP skills.

The folks at guild wars have announced that they have completed their overhaul of the Xunlai Tournament House, giving it a new look and new functionality.

NCsoft has announced that Guild Wars, which is set to celebrate its fourth anniversary since launch, has sold more than 6 million copies.

On April 28th Guild Wars will celebrate its 4th anniversary since launch, and the people behind the game have prepared a number of events which have already begun.

With the fourth anniversary of Guild Wars just around the corner, the folks at GW have posted details about upcoming game content and improvements.

The folks at Guild Wars have posted an update to their tournament rules.

The folks at Guild Wars have posted a letter to the game's fans attempting to clear up rumors about delays and other troubles with Guild Wars 2, saying that there is still no set date for the game other than "when it's done" and that the team has been growing as a result of recent restructuring at NC West.

The devs behind Guild Wars have posted a look at efforts to balance skills to create quicker conclusions to Guild vs Guild combat and to make skills within a character's primary profession more attractive.

The folks at Guild Wars have laid out some of their plans for the Guild Wars Live team in the coming year, including several big updates in 2009.

The folks at Guild Wars are holding a Wintersday Art Contest in celebration of the end of the year holiday season.