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Guild Wars Articles

Franchise Titles Half Off on Steam

The original Guild Wars, Nightfall and Factions are collected into a nifty bundle at Steam and are on sale today only for $14.99 as part of Steam's Summer Camp promotion running from now through July 10th. As a bonus, Eye of the North is also half off and can be had for $9.99. What a great way to prepare for Guild Wars 2 by taking the original game's "refresher course"!

Party at the Shing Jea Monastery

NCSoft and the Guild Wars team are inviting all players to log in for a sixth birthday bash at the Shing Jea Monastery from now through May 6th. The team has six weeks of anniversary events scheduled for players including Facebook contests, mission pack and character slot sales, and new hi-res textures added to the game.

Embark Beach Added

Arena.Net has released new information about Embark Beach, a location in the Battle Isles that is a 'jump off' point for players to head to any location in Guild Wars (if purchased). In addition, players can now adventure with up to seven mercenary heroes. The cool part is that these heroes can be any level 20 character from a player's account.

Skill Balance Changes & Dervish Love

Arena.Net has posted the latest Guild Wars game update with a host of skill changes included. In particular, Dervish skills have received a huge amount of attention. The dev team determined that the Dervish was hampered by long cast times and skill cooldown and have made adjustments to make the character more viable.

The First Ten Years

The ArenaNet and Guild Wars teams have produced a great retrospective look back at the first 10 years of the game. The video was filmed during the ArenaNet holiday party and gave devs a chance to look back at The First 10 Years. It's fifteen minutes of great memories including the tidbit that ArenaNet worked out of an apartment at the beginning! Check it out!

Developer Update - December 2010 GvG Balances

The folks over at ArenaNet have hit Guild Wars players with the latest GvG update and they've published the results! Check them out and let us know what you think over at the Guild Wars forums.

Hearts of the North Arrives

ArenaNet has announced that a brand new chapter has been added to Guild Wars to help bridge the time gap between the original and the upcoming Guild Wars 2. The new content is called Hearts of the North and features the reuniting and marriage of Gwen and Keiran Thackeray. Players will even have the opportunity to complete missions as Thackeray himself. Players can also purchase special wedding costumes in the Guild Wars Store.

Pink Day in LA Raises Over $10,000

Last weekend, the Gaming World Entertainment Network (GWEN), Malibu Barbie, and Gamers Giving Back sponsored an in-game Guild Wars event called "Pink Day in LA". During the event, players went to Lion's Arch and dyed their armors pink in support of breast cancer awareness. With Arena.Net's support, the event has raised almost $11,000 to date.

War In Kryta Survey Results

Recently, Guild Wars devs asked players to participate in a survey about the War in Kryta content. In the latest developer post on the Arena.Net blog, John Stumme goes over the results of the survey and adds some interesting commentary about what the results will mean in terms of the game's development. Stumme takes each question and offers the percentage results from player input and then gives away a bit of information about what the team is thinking for the future.

Oppressor Weapons Added to Hall of Monuments

After surveying players, the Arena.Net team has come to the conclusion that the difficulty in obtaining Oppressor Weapons warrants their inclusion in the Hall of Monuments. These hard-to-get items can now be immortalized forever. Players still have the opportunity to give feedback by completing the War in Kryta survey that will continue to run through the weekend.

And the Survey Says...

Guild Wars players are being asked to complete a short survey about the War in Kryta content. The team indicates that the survey information is to help the team as they work on Guild Wars Beyond.

3,700 Botters Cut Down by God of Death; ArenaNet Responds

Guild Wars players recently noticed that Dhuum, the god of death, was cropping up throughout the game world and cutting random players down with his scythe. As it would turn out, Dhuum was delivering bans, 3,700 of them, to many Guild Wars players who have been caught botting and manipulating PvP matches.

Celebrate Fifth Anniversary with "Beyond" and "War in Kryta"

NCsoft and ArenaNet have announced "Guild Wars Beyond," a new on-going campaign focused on key events and characters in the Guild Wars lore which will lay the foundation for Guild Wars 2. The first event to be part of the Guild Wars Beyond campaign is the "War in Kryta" event, which is being kicked off to mark Guild Wars' fifth anniversary.

Wintersday Art Contest Winners Announced

Winners for the 2009 Wintersday Art Contest have been announced! The top three winners will receive the grand prize of a signed copy of "The Art of Guild Wars 2," as well a random signed art print from last year's Penny Arcade Expo. The seven remaining winners will receive the signed PAX art print, and all winners, as well as the 10 honorable mentions will receive an Everlasting Reindeer Tonic.

Wintersday Take Two

This year's Wintersday celebration was fraught with problems, bugs, lag, and other myriad issues. As a result, ArenaNet has announced that the event will be returning via an update posted to the Guild Wars forums at IncGamers by the game's Community Manager Regina Buenaobra.