For those who have beaten the campaign and grinded their way to level 50 cap in Borderlands 3, one important thing remains: assembling the perfect build. And to do that, you’ll need lots of well rolled and anointed items. The go to method right now is to farm the boss “Graveward” since he’s easy to kill, drops lots of items, and as an added bonus, awards of ton of XP towards leveling your Guardian rank.
The flip side to Graveward farming is there isn’t a great way to target specific items you’re looking for. This is an issue with Borderlands 3 overall due to its huge pool of world dropped items, but Gearbox is running a “Rare Spawn Hunt” limited time event this week as part of a Borderlands anniversary celebration and it’s a great opportunity to target farm some items to round out your build.
Certain enemies in Borderlands 3 will, ahem, rarely spawn in fixed locations (you can also sometimes get bounty board quests in Sanctuary for these spawns). For this week only, rare spawns will show up in their designated location every time you load the game and they’ll also have an increased chance to drop certain loot. I’m not going to go through the entire list, so let’s focus on a few spawns that I feel warrant some additional focus during the event.
El Dragon Jr – Unleash the Dragon, Legendary Artifact (Mayhem/TVHM Only)
Unleash the Dragon is one of the best Artifacts you can get for a melee Amara build. This Artifact allows Amara to ignite enemies on each melee hit, slide, or ground slam. Combined with skills such as Wildfire and Ties that Bind, you’ll be spreading fire damage around with each hit. It’s a good time, so if you’re into melee builds, spend some time farming El Dragon Jr for this Artifact.
Force Troopers – Random Legendary Class Mods
These guys are probably going to be farmed the most during the event. One of the most critical items for any build is your class mod and there are a lot of variables involved in getting the right one. Each legendary class mod will roll a bonus of five points split across 1-3 skills as well as three affixes from a fairly large pool. Finding the right split of skills and affixes can be tough when class mods are typically part of the game’s massive world drop list. These guys are at the very top of my list to farm this week and they should be on yours, too.
Demoskaggon – Random Legendary Shield
Not as critical as a class mod, since there are quite a few viable shield options in Borderlands 3, but it’s always nice to be able to target farm and this should help you get that Front Loader or Transformer you might still be looking for.
Princess Tarantella II – Hive, Legendary Rocket Launcher
The Hive was insane in Borderlands 2 and in 3 it’s still quite good. Heavy weapons are a bit underwhelming overall in BL3, but the Hive stands out as one of the better ones, especially in a Moze explosions build.
Mother of Grogans – Random Legendary Artifacts
Just like class mods, there are a significant amount of variables involved in finding that perfect Artifact. The Mother of Grogans is your best bet this week.
Red Jabber – Random Legendary Grenade Mod
If you don’t have a perfect Hex or Storm Front, now’s the time. The Hex can come in a variety of different elements (I prefer radiation), but you’re looking for a MIRV, Recurring or MIRV-Tacular Hex in that order.
And that’s it! There are a couple of other spawns on that list, but these are the ones I intend to focus on this week to get the most out of the event. Happy Hunting! If you have any of your own tips to share, post ‘em in the comments below!