The following are all magician skill and stat builds for a first job magician.
Stat builds: Stat builds are much simpler than skill builds. The following are not in any particular order as they all work. Strength and Dexterity are never needed. Keep them at 4. Intelligence is your main attacking stat. The higher your intelligence, the higher damage you will hit with your spells. Luck adds to damage, but not nearly as much as intelligence. Luck is mainly added in order to equip armor and weapons.
Build A: Standard Build Level 8: Intelligence: 48 Luck: 11 For every level from 9-30, put 4 points in Intelligence and 1 in Luck.
Why is this build good?
With this build, you will never be short on your luck requirements. You will be able to equip all your armor and weapons at the appropriate levels while still having a lot of power.
Build B: Luckless Build Level 8-30: Put all stat points into Intelligence
Why is this build good?
Luckless magicians are more powerful than their normal luck counterparts. This comes at a cost. Because they cannot equip the appropriate armors for their levels, they suffer on defense and magical defense.
Skill Builds: Skill builds are much harder to create because there are so many more options. The following skills are the skills available to Magicians in the first job.
Improving Improving Mana Recovery: This is a passive skill that should be maxed in all builds. It raises the amount of Mana recovered every ten seconds. It saves money and potions. It has no prerequisite.
Improving Max Improving Max Improving Max Mana Increase: This is another passive skill that should be maxed. It increases your max mana every time you level. By the end game, it gives more than three thousand extra mana compared to another end game magician who had not invested any points into it. It has a prerequisite of five points in Improving Improving Mana Recovery.
Magic Guard: This is an active skill that is essential as you level as a magician. When you are hit by a monster, and magic guard is activated, part of the damage hits your mana, and part hits your hit points. This allows a magician to take on the toughest monsters in the game. It has no prerequisite.
Magic Armor: This is the one of the only skills that a magician does not need to max. It adds a set amount of physical defense. Though it it better than Magic Guard during the first job, its use is very limited. When you are facing a monster that hits for thousands of damage, forty physical defense is useless. It has a prerequisite of three points in Magic Guard.
Energy Bolt: This is one of two magic attacks that you will receive as a Magician. It sends a ball of energy at the enemy. It has no prerequisite.
Magic Claw: This is the other magic attack Magicians receive. It attacks twice. It's prerequisite is one skill point invested in Energy Bolt.
Energy Bolt vs. Magic Claw
There are many differences between Energy Bolt and Magic Claw:
Power: Magic Claw hits with two hits of 40 Spell Attack each. Energy Bolt hits once wth fifty five power. However, Magic defense is factored in twice with magic claw and only once with Energy Bolt.
Cost: Energy Bolt uses six less Mana than Magic Claw. However, Magic Claw has a better Damage to Cost ratio. Also, Energy Bolt users will have an extra skill point.
Accessibility: Magic Claw goes through walls. Energy Bolt doesn't. Magic Claw also has slightly longer range. They have very similiar casting times.
The Verdict: Magic Claw is the preferred route to go, but Energy Bolt is still a viable option if you want to be unique.
Skill Build: Magic Claw and Energy Bolt are interchangeable.
Level 8: +1 Energy Bolt Level 9: +3 Improving Improving Mana Recovery Level 10: +2 Improving Improving Mana Recovery +1 Improving Max Improving Max Improving Max Mana Increase Level 11: +3 Improving Max Improving Max Improving Max Mana Increase Level 12: +3 Improving Max Improving Max Improving Max Mana Increase Level 13: +3 Improving Max Improving Max Improving Max Mana Increase Level 14: +3 Improving Improving Mana Recovery Level 15: +3 Improving Improving Mana Recovery Level 16: +3 Improving Improving Mana Recovery Level 17: +2 Improving Improving Mana Recovery +1 Magic Claw Level 18: +3 Magic Claw Level 19: +3 Magic Claw Level 20: +2Magic Claw Save one point Level 21: +4 Magic Claw Level 22: +2 Magic Claw Save one point Level 23: +4 Magic Claw Level 24: +1 Magic Claw +2 Magic Guard Level 25: +3 Magic Guard Level 26: +3 Magic Guard Level 27: +3 Magic Guard Level 28: +3 Magic Guard Level 29: +3 Magic Guard Level 30: +3 Magic Guard
Total: 16 Improving Improving Mana Recovery, 10 Improving Max Improving Max Improving Max Mana Increase, 20 Magic Guard, 1 Energy Bolt, 20 Magic Claw
This build provides the most mana. It maxes out the most important attacks and buffs. The following are variations on the skill build:
Variation A: Max Mana
Level 8: +1 Improving Mana Recovery Level 9: +3 Improving Mana Recovery Level 10: +1 Improving Mana Recovery +2 Improving Max Improving Max Mana Increase Level 11: +3 Improving Max Improving Max Mana Increase Level 12: +3 Improving Max Improving Max Mana Increase Level 13: +2 Improving Max Improving Max Mana Increase +1 Energy Bolt Level 14-30: Revert back to the normal skill build
This variation adds even more max mana, but it is a very hard build. Because you lack a magic attack for five levels, leveling will be tough. However, with Henesys Party Quest (Guide Coming Soon), the five levels will shoot by.
Variation B: Early Damage
Level 8: +1 Energy Bolt Level 9: +3 Magic Claw Level 10: +3 Magic Claw Level 11: +3 Magic Claw Level 12: +3 Magic Claw Level 13: +3 Magic Claw Level 14: +3 Magic Claw Level 15: +2 Magic Claw +1 Improving Mana Recovery Level 16: +3 Improving Mana Recovery Level 17: +1 Improving Mana Recovery +2 Improving Max Mana Increase Level 18: +3 Improving Max Mana Increase Level 19: +3 Improving Max Mana Increase Level 20: +2 Improving Max Mana Increase +1 Improving Mana Recovery Level 21: +3 Improving Mana Recovery Level 22: +3 Improving Mana Recovery Level 23: +3 Improving Mana Recovery Level 24: +1 Improving Mana Recovery +2 Magic Guard Level 25-30: Revert back to standard build.
This variation is for the impatient players. It give the short term advantage of a good attack in exchange for the long term loss of Mana.
Stay tuned for my next article- The Magician Training Guide!