Dark or Light

Intro to Science II

Allen Richardson Posted:
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StarQuest Online: Intro to Science II

MMORPG.com StarQuest Online Correspondent Allen Richardson writes this new guide focusing on the science aspect of the sci-fi MMO.

Testing and Injecting Chemicals:

Here we start the experimental or administer phase. Usually a good scientist can identify the effects of a compound and know what the outcome may possibly be, but testing always help to ease the mind.

There are a few safety measures when testing chemicals, especially when giving it to a patient. Most test the chemical on themselves, but it is a good idea to have highly skilled medic available and about 4 bottles of tanga juice. When testing on a patient, make sure they are aware of the possible risk and that they volunteered willingly for this procedure. Some chemicals are known to have PERMANENT attribute changes, so keep them informed of such a possibility.

  1. To start, have your medic standing by and monitoring the patient ECG (heartbeat) and EEG (Brainwaves).
  2. Have your patient get the bottles of tanga juice ready and you place the hypospray with the loaded chemical in your right hand. NOTE: Load the hypospray with the chemical as you would do the sampler probe.
  3. Now with the hypo quipped, hold CTRL and click on the patient, so that a red box appears around them. While holding CTRL press R, to inject the patient with 1 pump of the chemical. NOTE: There are 5 pumps in a full vial, so be carefully and clearly state when you are injecting the chemical.
  4. After the first injection, get the vitals of the patient from your medic and make sure the patient drinks the tanga juice to heal themselves.
  5. This is where you can either repeat the last few steps or stop. If you have stopped, then ask the patient, if there are any changes in their attributes. If so and it as indeed changed (went up or down) then ongrats! you made a permanent chemical. But if there is only a temporary change, then don worry as you are moving on the right track. NOTE: Make sure to record your observations and results for later usage. I recommend Notepad as it is simple to use and most have that program.

Bridge Duties of a Scientist:

I really won't go in-depth in this area as there are other tutorials available on the StarQuest website explaining these. But I do want to give a small description of what is expected at these stations.

Central Command Intelligent Console Otherwise known as CINT. This is the main position of a scientist, especially in Fleet. This console allows you to gather information on many things, like atmospheric conditions of a planet, type of planet, life signs, etc. In a combat situation, we monitor the hostile contact and ally battle damage, relying information to the Commanding Officer. NOTE: Also when out in the depths of space, with no visible colonies in sight, the Long Range Scanners are very important in identifying colonies that may have life. There are 3 vital things to remember with LRS, if there are orange waves coming from a system that means it is a hyperwave signal and there is a high probability of a space faring race. If there are blue waves, it means they are old style radio waves being emitted that may indicate the possibility of sentient life. If there are no waves, then that means the system is uninhabited. Even if there are no waves, always check ut in the dark abyss, you never know what to expect.

Astrogation This is the secondary position we are assigned/use, where we plot exploration surveys and identify plausible habitable systems, by star type, which are Class A, F, G, K, and M.

Conducting Away Missions:

Usually when conducting an away mission, it is recommended to have 1 engineer, 1 medic, 2 scientists, and 2 security personal. If the mission is one of exploration, the CO or highest ranking SO in command, will appoint someone in charge of the mission, most likely the highest ranking Science Officer.

Discovering Ruins:

Sometimes while exploring a planet, you may stumble upon buildings of unknown origin and the possibility of ancient text scrolled on the walls. Make sure to take Hyper Pictures (screen shots) of the buildings for later analysis. One other thing f there are buildings, then there is possibly life.


Now is the time, I tell you of the few known sentient species and there biological signatures on ship scanners.

  • Terran - Yellow
  • Celay - Teal
  • Ryl Atti - Green
  • Rodomok - Brown
  • Klinshayan - Red
  • Therataan - Blue
  • Tzu - ?
  • XON - ?
  • Tikopai - Purple

That is only a small general list of the major space faring sentient beings we have discovered so far. The number of ounger races we have found is much bigger, but not worth listing. Also the probability of finding a sentient being is very low, at least at 10%, but the possibility of finding primitive life is quite higher, almost at 70% if you find a habitable planet.

More or less, lifeforms of unknown origin will show up as white crosses. Before making any type of diplomatic contact, observe them first using the Hand Scanner. If you can get in close without getting harmed by the natives, scan one of the lifeforms and press the IV button to analyze their civilization level. If all is well, then contact should be made with your best diplomat.

Terms for Chemical Compounds:

  • Myofibril: Strength
  • Neurotransmitter: Intelligence
  • Dopamine Transport: Willpower
  • Myelin: Agility
  • Pheromone: Charisma
  • Magneto encephalographic: Psionics
  • Immune system: Constitution

There are many possible chemical compositions. Who knows, you may be the first to come up with a super efficient explosive that will make you the most powerful man in the galaxy. Happy collecting!