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Druid Restoration Guide, Part Two

James Wood Posted:
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WoW: Druid Restoration Guide, Part Two

MMORPG.com World of Warcraft Correspondent James Wood continues his look at the Druid with this overview of the nature-loving class's Restoration abilities.

Druids are not known for being very rage or energy-efficient. This isn’t too far down the Restoration tree, making it useful even if you’re not Restoration-specced. And if you are, then that means much less pain and much more time for you to keep healing. Though the chances of this activating are a little lower if you spend mana sparingly, you’ll still feel that cost reduction when Clearcasting activates.


Mana Cost: 68% of base mana Casting Time: 2 seconds Target: Dead Friendly Range: 30 yards Cooldown: 20 minutes Special: Can be cast in combat

Acquisition, Reagent Cost and Effect Table

Level Reagent Effect


Maple Seed

Resurrect with 400 health and 700 mana


Stranglethorn Seed

Resurrect with 750 health and 1200 mana


Ashwood Seed

Resurrect with 1100 health and 1700 mana


Hornbeam Seed

Resurrect with 1600 health and 2200 mana


Ironwood Seed

Resurrect with 2200 health and 2800 mana


Flintweed Seed

Resurrect with 3200 health and 3200 mana


Starleaf Seed

Resurrect with 6400 health and 4700 mana

A raid’s second chance. You can bring back tanks and healers with this resurrect even if you’re in combat. Druids now have a second resurrect that’s non-combat like Priests, Shamans and Paladins, but they’re still one of the few classes that can resurrect party members in combat. Keep this hotkeyed.


Casting Time: 2 seconds Range: 40 yards Target: Friendly Duration: 21 seconds

Acquisition, Mana Cost and Effect Table

Level Mana Cost Effect


33% of base mana

84 – 98 healing + 98 over-time healing


33% of base mana

164 – 188 healing + 175 over-time healing


33% of base mana

240 – 274 healing + 259 over-time healing


33% of base mana

318 – 360 healing + 343 over-time healing


33% of base mana

405 – 457 healing + 427 over-time healing


33% of base mana

511 – 575 healing + 546 over-time healing


33% of base mana

646 – 724 healing + 686 over-time healing


33% of base mana

809 – 905 healing + 861 over-time healing


33% of base mana

1003 – 1119 healing + 1064 over-time healing


29% of base mana

31215 – 1355 healing + 1274 over-time healing


29% of base mana

1710 – 1908 healing + 1792 over-time healing


33% of base mana

2234 – 2494 healing + 2345 over-time healing

Even if the difference between Healing Touch’s and Regrowth’s mana cost is 5% in the early and middle game, chances are that you’ll be able to cast Regrowth at least one more time compared to Healing Touch. And with monsters pounding on you, it’s better to wait 3 seconds because of damage delay to Regrowth than 5-6 seconds to Healing Touch.


Mana Cost: 72% of base mana Casting Time: 10 seconds Range: 30 yards Target: Dead Friendly Special: Cannot be cast in combat

Acquisition and Effect Table

Level Effect


Resurrect target with 65 health and 120 mana


Resurrect target with 150 health and 260 mana


Resurrect target with 250 health and 420 mana


Resurrect target with 400 health and 600 mana


Resurrect target with 600 health and 800 mana


Resurrect target with 840 health and 890 mana


Resurrect target with 1800 health and 1365 mana

And now Druids aren’t sitting in the back of the resurrection train! Now they can resurrect players the minute they fall out of combat, expanding the number of classes that players would be more willing to take on a raid where resurrect-capable healers are absolutely necessary.

Yes, yes, this Druid can save you both. Stop asking her to decide.


Acquisition Requirement: 5 points in Gift of Nature, 30 points in Restoration Talents, 1 point in Swiftmend Talent

Mana Cost: 16% of base mana Casting Time: Instant Range: 40 yards Target: Friendly Cooldown: 15 seconds

Acquisition and Effect Table

Level Effect


Consumes a Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect on the target, healing an amount equal to their over-time heal

Swiftmend is one of the few options you have for healing your target instantly. It’s cheap and effective, but will only consume Rejuvenation OR Regrowth, so don’t get any ideas about the programming behind this one. For best utilization in emergencies, Regrowth and Swiftmend work best. However, if you have time, let the timers for Rejuvenation or Regrowth to run out before you cast Swiftmend. There’s no difference in the healing done by a fresh Rejuvenation or Regrowth and nearly-expired Rejuvenation or Regrowth.


Casting Time: Channeled Range: 30 yards Target: Area of Effect, Friendly Duration: 8 seconds Cooldown: 10 minutes

Acquisition, Mana Cost and Effect Table

Level Mana Cost Effect


78% of base mana

351 healing every 2 seconds


78% of base mana

515 healing every 2 seconds


78% of base mana

765 healing every 2 seconds


78% of base mana

1097 healing every 2 seconds


70% of base mana

1518 healing every 2 seconds


70% of base mana

2598 healing every 2 seconds


70% of base mana

3035 healing every 2 seconds

The cost of this spell is much higher than its mana cost belies. Without the talent points, using this spell to save your raid means you’re most likely going to be the target and drop dead in the next few seconds. If you want the maximum effect without the interrupts, cast Barkskin before Tranquility.

Tree of Life Form

Acquisition Requirement: 40 points in Restoration Talents, 5 points in Empowered Rejuvenation Talent, 1 point in Tree of Life Talent

Mana Cost: 28% of base mana Casting Time: Instant Range: Self Special: Frees caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing Effects. You can only cast Restoration, Innervate and Barkskin spells.

Acquisition and Effect Table

Level Effect


6% healing increase for all party and raid members within 45 yards, -20% mana cost for healing-over-time spells

If you’re a Restoration Druid, you’ve got to be a walking tree too. The bonuses provided by the Tree of Life will be felt even with lower-powered healers. Since you’ll be a Restoration Druid, you won’t really have to think much about your spells in the other schools.

Restoration Druids are renowned for blending in with their environment.

Wild Growth

Acquisition Requirement: 50 points in Restoration Talents, 1 point in Tree of Life Talent

Casting Time: Instant Range: 40 yards from caster, 15 yards from target Target: Area of Effect, 5 Friendly Party/Raid Members Duration: 7 seconds Special: High healing amount at start that lowers throughout duration

Acquisition, Mana Cost and Effect Table

Level Mana Cost Effect


26% of base mana

686 healing over 7 seconds


23% of base mana

861 healing over 7 seconds


23% of base mana

1239 healing over 7 seconds


23% of base mana

1442 healing over 7 seconds

It’s another area-heal-over-time spell, but does not require the caster to be within the center of that healing area. While Tranquility has higher health regeneration, the Druid still needs to have party members in range and must channel that healing spell, whereas Wild Growth can be casted and not be given a second glance.