Dark or Light

Combat Guide, Part Two

Kelly Price Posted:
Guides 0

Okay now to the meat and potatoes of using weapons. I’ve been surprised time and time again of how many people do not know the basics, it being so very vital to a player’s understanding of the game and how to PvP.

So let’s begin: Weapons have stats and damage ratings like any game, but they can be looted from you when you die (and you will). The only things you have that will never be taken are three possible newbie weapons. You begin with a free one-handed sword (which you can swap for any other type for 20g), and the second and third slots cost 100g and 1000g.

Pressing “T” changes the swing of your weapon from horizontal to vertical and back again. Common sense dictates that swinging horizontally will allow you to hit in a wider arc in front of you, whereas swinging vertically will allow you to only strike one opponent at a time. In close combat with friends or potential enemies you’ll want to keep your swings as tight as possible. Say you accidentally hit that guy killing skellies nearby. Nine times out of ten he is going to take that opportunity to gank you or at the very least send you speeding back to town.

Do those chafe much?

The aim of your swing does matter. (Perhaps chant this a few times out loud to have it sink in.) Have you noticed that alfar jumping up and swinging down at you during that one-on-one battle you had last night? You couldn’t hit him could you? You died didn’t you? That is because aim takes into account range and hit boxes as well. To the same effect, if you are a mahirim fighting a dwarf you are going to have to swing a bit lower than perhaps you are used to, whereas ‘Mizta Dorfington’ is going to have an easy time hacking away at your knees.

This is the same for archery as well. Aim matters even more here because it takes into account a slight gravitational pull. Aim a bit higher than your opponent, but don’t take too long to shoot. Chances are he has already strafed out of your crosshairs.

Aiming with magic is a little different. Here it is all about splash damage. You’ll want to aim a bit more at the feet (or even the ground) to hit your enemy. Splash damage is fantastic, but it can also be the bane of your existence when your companions are also in your line of sight.

“Why bring a knife to a polearm fight?” I asked in part one. Well honestly you wouldn’t. A polearm has such high range (4-5 ft) and a knife has such a short range (0-1 ft) that it would be a completely unfair fight. That is not to say daggers aren’t a valid weapon to use in Darkfall, it just takes a little more skill and forethought. But that doesn’t mean polearms are the “only weapon you will ever need.” In fact they can be a downright pain in the rear during groups and sieges. (I am sure many folks will disagree with me here.) Let me put it to you this way: you are surrounded by you clan mates and enemies galore. Yes you want to kill as many of the enemy as possible, but at what cost? Do you want to endanger your comrades as well with those wide arcing swings? Of course not. Instead opt for a trusty one-hander and shield, or if you just have to use that two-hander, try an axe. They hit harder than any other type of weapon, but with less range.

Rather than explain in unnecessary and wordy detail all of the weapon attributes, I am going to toss even more charts and outlines at you. I’ve found that if you absorb this knowledge you will improve leaps and bounds in most PvP situations.

My name is PT Irontoe! C’mere and I’ll show ya what the ‘PT’ stands for!

Weapon Ranges and DPS: Disclaimer: This chart is a strict generalization; range and dps can vary depending on weapon rank.

  • DPS = dmg divided by speed
  • Maces 2h and 1h do bludgeoning damage.
  • Polearms and daggers do piercing damage.
  • Swords 1h 2h and axes do slashing damage.


  • One-Handed
    • medium dps (medium dmg/high speed)
    • medium-high range
    • faster than maces/clubs and axes
    • usable with shields and on mounts
  • Two-Handed
    • medium dps (medium dmg/medium speed)
    • medium-high range
    • faster than maces/clubs and axes
    • better against padded and leather


  • One-Handed
    • medium dps (medium-high dmg/medium speed)
    • medium range
    • better against plate
    • usable with shields and on mounts
  • Two-Handed
    • medium dps (high dmg/medium-slow speed)
    • medium range
    • better against plate


  • One-Handed
    • high dps (highest dmg/medium speed)
    • medium-low range
    • usable with shields and on mounts
    • better against padded and leather
  • Two-Handed
    • high dps (highest dmg/slow speed)
    • medium-low range
    • better against padded and leather


  • Two-Handed
    • highest dps (low dmg/very high speed)
    • lowest range


  • Two-Handed
    • lowest dps (high dmg/very slow speed)
    • highest range

Thanks for posing!

Below is the breakdown of the knowledge in the chart above. I’ve also added a ranged breakdown for your viewing pleasure. If you are looking for max range with mediocre damage, polearm is the way to go. If you are seeking fast damage and plan to run with a group, by all means go with daggers. I tend to swing towards the middle ground and use a one- or two- handed mace or sword. Also, keep in mind for mounted combat you can only use one-handed weapons. No two-handers or magic allowed. I cannot say I find this fair for casters, but it only further justifies my belief that magic is extremely powerful later.

Melee Breakdown

1H Range: Sword > Mace/Club > Axe 2H Range: Polearm > Sword > Mace/Club > Axe > Dagger

1h DPS: Axe > Mace/Club > Sword 2H DPS: Dagger > Axe> Mace/Club > Sword > Polearm

1H Speed: 2h Speed: Dagger > Sword > Mace/Club > Axe > Polearm

Ranged Breakdown:

Disclaimer: This chart is based on lesser and greater magic only. It is possible it may be different in higher magic school.

Ranged DPS: Archery > Magic Ranged Speed: Archery > Magic Ranged Cost (gold): Magic > Archery Ranged Utility: Magic > Archery

Check back soon for a guide to Magic!