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The PvP Quiz

Jon Wood Posted:
General Articles 0

Last week, MMORPG.com columnist Richard Aihoshi created a short quiz that tested the memories of his readers when it came to some behind the scenes matters. Today, we have extended this idea by branching out and covering a more game specific topic.

The debate surrounding PvP and its place within the modern MMO rages on, and will probably continue to do so well into the future. Like it or not, however, PvP plays an important role in many if not most modern MMOs. So today, we test your knowledge with a few questions revolving around PvP. Solve all of ours? Feel free to add some of your own in the forums.

1. What now defunct MMO had the original intention to do away with PvE in MMOs and dedicate itself entirely to PvP?


2. Why isn't Realm vs. Realm a general term used by all MMO studios to describe PvP that takes place between two large, warring factions?


3. What is PvMP?


4. In Aion, what is the name of the zone in which the bulk of the game's PvP takes place?


5. What upcoming MMO makes use of five kingdom PvP?


6. In Warhammer Online, most PvP play takes place in two separate gaming areas. What are they?


7. EVE Online, a game infamous for its hardcore PvP experience, has a "System security" system. On one end of the spectrum are zones that are police patrolled to prevent "criminal activity" on the other are completely lawless zones. What numbers are used to represent each extreme?
