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Heavensward Review in Progress #2

Last week I talked about the lead up to actually being able to set foot into Heavensward. This week I’m going to take a look at some of the other peripheral features that surround that game as well as examine one of the new jobs that have made their way into the game. I’ll save the next two jobs for future installments of this series. I’ll still keep this review spoiler free until next week. Even then I’ll keep them to a minimum and clearly label them.

Review in Progress

Following up to the cult classic Cabal, Cabal 2 is a new free to play MMORPG jumping into open beta on July 2nd. While I've never played the original, I was definitely excited to jump in and see what all the buzz was about. What I've seen in my first handful of hours, however, is nothing but a depressingly boring game without a shred of originality.

Review in Progress #1

Echo of Soul is a F2P MMORPG developed by Nvius and published for North America and Europe by Aeria Games. It released on Steam in mid-June and actually boasts, “Most Anticipated MMO of 2015!” (for someone I assume). With high expectations, I dove into the game and here are our first impressions on the road to our final review.

Heavensward Review in Progress #1

Two years ago I dived into Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn not knowing what to expect. Turns out the game had gone through a complete revamp and it made great use of a proverbial phoenix down that are prevalent in the Final Fantasy series. You can read the 2.0 review here. If you are a masochist and want to relive how bad 1.0 truly was you can take a look at that boondoggle’s review here.

Ironic Lessons that WoW can Learn from FFXIV

I’ll be the first to admit my skepticism about Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. First impressions can be everything in the subscription MMORPG space—almost fatally so for some. Embed the idea that a title has no future and it’s game-over. The original FFXIV was such a disaster with a plethora of well-documented and extensive faults that many predicted that even a free-to-play conversion wouldn’t save it.

How Siboot Could Finally Let You Roleplay In Your MMORPG

Legendary game designer Chris Crawford has launched a Kickstarter campaign for a very different kind of game. Siboot is a game that will test your emotional intuition, rather than you puzzle solving ability, and demonstrate a radical new technology designed to take interactive storytelling to the next level. The plan is to make this technology open source, a move that could revolutionise how we understand and interact with virtual worlds.”

The Console Version Review in Progress

It’s been a long but insanely productive year for Zenimax Online Studios. Elder Scrolls Online came out, held its own, but was a rather contentious title for such a widely adored franchise. Fast forward several months and ESO is now buy to play, rebranded as “Tamriel Unlimited”, and quite frankly, it’s one of the best theme park MMORPGs on the market. And now it’s also on the PS4 and XBOX ONE. So, how does it play?

Early Access Review in Progress #3

I think next week, yes in the midst of E3, I’ll finally put a wrap on this project and assign a score to Pathfinder Online as it stands now. But let me start this week by saying that fresh of The Witcher 3 and another Early Access game known as ARK: Survival Evolved makes Pathfinder feel even less finished. PFO can be enjoyable, it can… but the more I play it the less I can recommend investing your own money in the River Kingdoms for now.

What We Want from Fallout 4

As Mike B will attest, Fallout is a special series for us here at MMORPG.com. While the series has never gotten an MMO or true online treatment, we’re still fans of the venerable and highly regarded franchise. And today, with the announcement of Fallout 4 from Bethesda, we figured there’s no better time to postulate about what we want to see in the newest version of the Wasteland.

It’s Finally Coming to America

Some might say that 3 years is too long to wait for an Eastern bred MMORPG to come to the West. In the case of Blade & Soul, it seems like the long detour to an English client has only created more pent up demand for the Wuxia-themed game from NCSOFT and Team Bloodlust. And we’re happy to announce that Blade and Soul is indeed launching as a F2P MMORPG in the US and EU this winter, with a closed beta to begin this fall. The wait, as it were, is almost over.

Review in Progress #2: Misguided Player Agency

A couple weeks back, we began our review in progress for Pathfinder Online, since it’s both a.) in early access and b.) not wiping progress anymore. The review will be going on hiatus for a couple of weeks while I review The Witcher 3, but nevertheless this week I have some additional thoughts as I make my way through Goblinworks’ sandbox MMORPG.

Maingear Computers + MMORPG

Today, we’re pleased to announce that Maingear Computers has become an official sponsor for MMORPG.com. Straight out of New Jersey, USA, Maingear has quickly risen to become one of the most sought after and well-respected custom PC companies in the market. Read on for the details of our partnership, and what we hope it means for you all down the road.

The MMOTCG We Deserve

Cory Jones of Cryptozoic and HEX Entertainment sat down virtually on Skype with me last week to give me my first taste of HEX: Shards of Fate. For those unfamiliar, HEX is one of Kickstarter’s first big success stories. Funded by fans and backers for over 2 million dollars back in 2013, now two years later HEX is getting closer and closer to its initial goal of being the first “MMORPGTCG”.

Early Enrollment Review in Progress

We didn’t think we’d be reviewing Pathfinder Online anytime soon… until we discovered the game is both a.) taking money and b.) done wiping progress. As mentioned many times here, that’s all we need to consider a game ready to be reviewed. If a studio is confident enough in a product to do both of those things, then we’re confident that it deserves a score and review. Read on for the beginning of our Pathfinder Online adventures.

Port to XBox One Done Right

Hey there MMORPG fans, Terry here, coming at you with a review of Neverwinter on the X-BONE. Full disclosure, I have a couple of hundred hours logged into the PC version of the game, so there is not a lot here that surprised me, as far as gameplay and plot goes, but that's really a GOOD thing, because it means that the 'port to Xbox was done right!