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MMORPG.com NY Comic Con Preview

Garrett Fuller Posted:
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This Saturday, Oct. 9th at the New York Comicon, MMORPG.com has put together a panel series for fans. These panels are open to anyone and we hope you enjoy the line up. We have some serious upcoming MMOs presenting at the show as well as a round table at the end of the day for fans to ask questions about the industry, games, and future of the online industry. Please join us in Room 1A21 throughout the day for some great online game action!

Here are the panels!

11:00 am - Trion Worlds Panel - A Look at RIFT: Planes of Telara and End of Nations

Description: Join key development talent from online game developer Trion Worlds at this exclusive panel presentation on the hotly-anticipated massively multiplayer online games, Rift: Planes of Telara and End of Nations

12:15 pm - Marvel Super Hero Squad Online - Gazillion

Description: Childhood Heroes and Iconic IPs. This panel discusses the process of translating the Marvel Universe into an online game. How do you make darker characters kid friendly? What's it like to work with an IP holder and re-interpret their vision? Come chat with The Amazing Society, makers of the Super Hero Squad Marvel MMO and get the scoop!

1:30 pm - Guild Wars 2

Description: The development team from ArenaNet will be on hand to present the latest news on Guild Wars 2 development. They will also answer fan questions about the game in a Q&A panel session. Colin Johnason, Lead Content Designer, and Eric Flannum, Lead Game Designer, will be on hand to answer questions.

2:45 pm - City of Heroes Going Rogue: Taking Comic Book MMOs to the Next Level

Description: City of Heroes Going Rogue is this year's biggest super-powered MMO expansion. Introducing a brand new universe to explore, the innovative Alignment System, and amazing power sets, Going Rogue has once again reinvented the comic book MMO. For the first time ever, Lead Designer, Melissa Bianco, Senior Producer Jesse Caceres and Art Lead David Nakayama are here at New York Comic-Con to share with you their story of how they created Going Rogue.

4:00 pm - DC Universe Online: "Creating the Next Legend"

Description: Featuring Jim Lee and Marv Wolfman along with key members of the DCUO development team. The panel will explore how DCUO opens a doorway into the DCU and allows players to step through that virtual portal and build their own legend in the DC Universe.

5:15 pm - MMORPG.com - The Future of Online Gaming

Description: MMORPG.com has brought together some of the top game developers for a round table discussion on where online games are going in the next few years. Come join the group and get your chance to ask developers questions about the games of the future!


Garrett Fuller

Garrett Fuller / Garrett Fuller has been playing MMOs since 1997 and writing about them since 2005. He joined MMORPG.com has a volunteer writer and now handles Industry Relations for the website. He has been gaming since 1979 when his cousin showed him a copy of Dungeons and Dragons. When not spending time with his family, Garrett also Larps and plays Airsoft in his spare time.