City Profile, Rome Part Two
The folks over at Perpetual Entertainment have provided us with this second part of an introduction to the gloried city of Rome, a focal point in their upcoming MMORPG, Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising.
Roma is the center of the civilized world, the greatest metropolis known to mankind, and the seat of the eminent Republic that is spreading law and order throughout the land. Its teeming streets, diverse multitudes, inspiring architecture, and stunning public artworks make it not only the Republic’s capital but also quite possibly its most impressive achievement. It being such a big city, we’re covering the city of Roma in Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising™ (G&H) in three installments. This week, we’re focusing on the character class quarters and the majestic Olympian temples of Roma.
Each Hero class in G&H can choose from two gods with whom to align themselves, thus each class quarter in Roma is the site of two Olympian Temples, one for each of that class’s gods. The Olympian Temples are awe-inspiring structures with soaring marble columns and a finely sculpted statue of the god to whom the structure is dedicated. The Flamen of each temple can be found in a subterranean chapel directly beneath the temple; these are the holiest personages in all of the city, and should be regularly consulted by any true Hero eager to serve the Olympians and heap ever-more glory on Roma and her gods.
Each class quarter features Skills and Feats trainers, where aspiring Heroes can learn new weapons and armor Skills as well as special moves and other abilities for smiting their enemies. Likewise, each Olympian temple features a Coactor Sacrum, pious men and women who accept donations from Heroes and offer them up to the Olympians, which helps Heroes retain the favor of their god or goddess.
Caelius is the Scout quarter of Roma, as well as home to many of the Republic’s most renowned Explorators, intrepid souls who roam the Republic’s territories and only stop in the city briefly to stock up on supplies and provisions. Caelius rests atop a secluded hill with clean cobblestone paths connecting the few buildings, all of which are dominated by the impressive Scout Watchtower. The watchtower is where Scouts can hone their skills and even learn some new abilities.
Before heading out to use their newly learned powers, however, Scouts should pay homage to their god. Flamen Lucius Flavius presides over the Temple of Apollo, god of archery; while Flamen Numeria Caedia presides over the Temple of Diana, goddess of the hunt. By speaking with the Explorators in Caelius, a Scout can learn much of what’s going on in the territories of the Republic; but before they set out on adventures of their own, Scouts should most certainly seek the guidance and blessings of the Flamens of Apollo and Diana.
Capitolium is the Priest quarter of Roma, where numerous Sacerdos and other devout persons can often be found debating theological matters and engaging in worship of the mighty Olympians. The Olympian Temples of Capitolium are located on a tall hill, while at the base of the hill is the Priest Library, the most revered place of learning in all of the Republic.
Flamen Servius Frimius presides over the Temple of Pluto, god of wealth and riches; while Flamen Maritia Frugia presides over the Temple Juno, the matriarch of Rome. Both temples are built on a steep, landscaped hill with retaining walls and manicured trees and bushes. The view from the top of the hill is appropriately majestic for the site where these noble Olympians are worshipped.
The Colosseum District of Roma is always bustling with gladiatorial contenders hoping for a shot at glory. The district is a large, paved plaza with the colossal Colosseum at the center; it serves as the Gladiator Quarter of Roma, where Gladiators can learn some new moves and hone their skills at wielding their dangerous arena weaponry.
Flamen Senenia Macta presides over the Temple of Fortuna, the keeper of fate; while Flamen Tiberius Asinius presides over the Temple of Jupiter, Master of the Olympians. All wise Gladiators should stop in at the temples before entering battle – whether in the Colosseum or in the field – to pray for the blessings of their god.
Palatinus is the hill where the legendary founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, are said to have first established the city. Now, it is the Mystic quarter of Roma. There is a large, domed observatory at the very top of the hill that is said to be a place rich in esoteric lore. Journeying to the observatory in order to learn from the sage old sorcerers there is every bit as important to a fledgling Mystic as praying at the temple of their god.
Flamen Tifia Silexia presides over the Temple of Trevia, goddess of the crossroads; while Flamen Marcus Suparius presides over the Temple of Bacchus, the twice-born god of the vine. Many acolytes are in attendance at the temples, worshipping and attending to the Flamens’ needs. The large, wooded plateau at the top of hill, just north of where the Temple of Bacchus sits, is said to be the very ground on which Romulus and Remus founded Roma. To mark the spot, an impressive statue of a wolf suckling the infant twins has been built there.
Vallis Murcia is a long, urban neighborhood as well as the Soldier quarter of Roma. The Circus Maximus, the gargantuan arena in which the chariot races are held, runs lengthwise through Vallis Murcia. The Soldier Barracks lie to the west of this massive structure; numerous Roman military recruits can be found at the barracks when they’re not training in the Fields of Mars, which lie north of the city. Vallis Murcia is also where Lictor Fulgorus, who is in charge of law enforcement within Roma, keeps his offices. If you ask Fulgorus, however, the biggest crooks in all of Rome are untouchable, as they “hide behind their togas in the Senate.”
Flamen Pallia Oscenia presides over the Temple of Minerva, the warrior goddess; while Flamen Hastus Acerbus presides over the Temple of Mars, god of war. Being the Republic’s first line of defense, it is especially important for Soldiers to stay in the good graces of their god, thus frequent visits to the temples to confer with the Flamens are necessary.
Viminalis, the Nomad quarter of Roma, is a quiet neighborhood on a low plateau. The large, old trees of Viminalis provide ample shade, while a well-manicured garden in the center of the central plaza and the impressive aqueduct towering over it all to the north provides some scenic splendor to the area. The façade of peace and tranquility is belied by a shady private club tucked into the back of Viminalis, however. Only Nomads are allowed to enter this club, which is known as the Nomad Den; the doorwoman, Excubitor Sura, is serious about keeping everyone else out – and with good cause, as Viminalis is notorious throughout the city for being a dangerous place where ruthless hoodlums run rampant.
Flamen Ostorius Faberus presides over the Temple of Mercury, Messenger of the Gods; while Flamen Vitalia Severina presides over the Temple of Nemesis, goddess of divine retribution. Sacerdos Cimina Trutina can be found at the Temple of Nemesis; she is often consulted by Rome’s officials in matters of justice, as the goddess frequently uses Cimina as a conduit for her divine will on earth. “Nemesis weighs the scales, and judges all with impartiality,” Cimina frequently reminds visitors to the temple.
Regular visits to the trainers in the class quarters of Roma will be vital to the success of any adventurous Hero looking to make a name for themselves. But without the blessings of the gods, no Hero can hope to last long against the enemies of Rome, hence regular visits to the Olympian Temples will also be of utmost importance.
Of course, traveling to Roma is quite the reward in and of itself. There are fantastic public artworks and impressive feats of engineering everywhere one looks. Not to mention, Roma is the seat of the Republic’s government and hence there is much civic activity going on there at all times. We will discuss the historic structures and quarters of Roma, as well as the Forum Romanum, the civic center of Roma, in the third and final installment of this profile. So stay tuned!