Uber Missions

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Deep in and around the regions of Ground Zero the truly stalwart have made a demand for big, epic quests – truly elite missions that can tax players to the maximum and offer truly impressive rewards for completion. We have now added these tasks, which we commonly refer to as Uber Missions.
Uber Missions are not for the meek or light-hearted. They represent a huge investment of time and energy and a pint of blood, sweat, and tears. The rewards can be huge, offering epic reward items that go far beyond the capability of most of the items available in the game. Some Uber Missions link other Uber Missions in chains. Those that manage to complete these Uber Missions would be amongst a very select group of elite Auto Assault players.
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This is one of the tamer, basic Uber Missions: kill off a thousand Justice members. It sounds basic, but we really don’t want to give away what some of these missions may require – we want to leave that for the players. Suffice it to say it may take weeks to finish some of these, and that’s a very conservative estimate.
As you can see the reward items are fantastic. For this Uber Mission regarding the Justice members, you can get this Sword of Justice, a melee artifact that does 135-267 points of damage and includes a penetration bonus of +21.
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This piece of Uber armor is the Justice “Unity” Armor. It has 5 gadget slots, has a defense bonus of +200, adds 175 hit points, and offers massive damage resistances.
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This tricked out Uber vehicle chassis is an Elite Biomute Disembowler. Sounds pretty cool, eh? It’s a medium vehicle with 4 inventory tabs, a max speed of 115 mph, 4 gadget slots and a whole lot more.
All of this cool Uber technology can be yours – if you beat the wide variety of Uber Missions we’ve added to Auto Assault. Just remember, they won’t come easy.
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