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MMORPG Games List

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2029 Online
2029 Online billed itself as a free-to-play skill-based sci fi MMORPG. The game put players on the alien planet of Helen Continent, choosing from three character classes in a struggle for survival. 2029 focused much of the gameplay on co-op quests, quick leveling, and plenty of customization options for equipment and vehicles. Vehicles had their own ability to level up along with characters, a unique game element among other MMORPGs. Players looking for fast-paced dungeon cra
Emobi Games
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2112: Revolution
2112: Revolution is a free-to-play sci-fi MMO from Emobi Games with strategic base defense gameplay and RTS combat. The game allows players to select from one of three races, each of whom have unique tech based on the valuable resource of Herani. Players can research new technologies, upgrade their defensive fortresses, build around resource points, construct forward assault bases, and utilize and upgrade a host of defensive structures and offensive units t
Q4 2007
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2Moons was a fantasy MMOG adapted for western audiences from the Korean MMORPG Dekaron. The game was designed for adult players, with brutal, aggressive, dangerous, and visually stunning gameplay. The game was also light on backstory, instead focusing on an arcade fighting system to ease the player's rise to becoming a level 100+ warrior. CLASSES Azure Knight: This class excels at melee combat, and has an extensive c
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9mm Online
9MM Online was a free-to-play military-themed FPS very much in the style of War Rock, but with more RPG elements included. A dreadful economic and political tragedy had caused the collapse of world governments, and in their place the Committee for Restoration of Global Peace and Prosperity (CRGPP) had risen. This single-governing body for the world was a grand threat in the eyes of mercenaries across the globe, who banded together to fight against CRGPP domination. <s
NetDragon Websoft
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Absolute Force Online
Absolute Force Online is a free-to-play MMOFPS from TQ Digital Entertainment and NetDragon Websoft. Built on the Unreal Engine 3, the game allows players to participate in massive FPS battles and offers seven game modes, including Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Domination, Bomb, Arsenal, Vehicle, and Zombie Modes. Absolute Force Online also features an innovative weapon system, character customization, a Hero Battlefield Mode,
Guide To...
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Absolute Terror
Absolute Terror is a free-to-play browser MMORPG loosely based in the anime world of Neon Genesis Evangelion. It's developed by Guide To.. Players are brought into a world where a 'supposed' meteorite has struck Antarctica, and nearly wiped out the population of Earth, while those who remain must survive the resulting envionmental cataclysm. In the year 2015, the remnants of the human race leave their cave homes and engage in a war for what's left of Earth's
Honourbound/Alchemic Dream
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Adellion was an in-development fantasy MMO set on the island Aryiure in the Adellonic year 3200 TS, a land with Medieval-like technology and inhabited by six different races, each with history with the others as well as the land itself. The game had a sense of realism and featured both perma death and lack of magic. Adellion aimed to be non-linear, and player-driven. Roleplay was heavily encouraged and even required. Advancement was skill-based, and gameplay featured some simulation ty
CubeForce Media
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Aerrevan is a 3D fantasy MMORPG developed and published by Canadian indie developer CubeForce Media. Aerrevan features a seamless world where players can engage in dynamic conversations with the game's NPC inhabitants simply by typing to them as they would any other player. Players in Aerrevan will develop their characters along a classless design, and can even slowly undergo mutation, whereby their character improves in strength, however there can be negative consequences for
10TACLE Studios AG
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AfterWorld is a free-to-play sci-fi MMORPG set in post-apocalyptic Siberia. The game will particularly focus on player participation in a new world economy, including a real money in game trading system. Also scheduled to be available at release is unique freedom of play for characters, such as being able to take on real world skills and roles, from real estate agents to gas station owners. FEATURES Speci
Snail Game
Q1 2008
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Age of Armor
Age of Armor was a free-to-play robot-themed MMORPG from Snail Games that set players in wars between the Earth United Government and the Republic of Aesir. Players could choose from three classes (Natural Human, Enhanced Human, or Neo Human), assemble their own robot armor, and engage in PvE and PvP. The game was shut down in July of 2012. FEATURES RPG elements | for character and robot.<
Microsoft Game Studios
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Age of Empires Online
Age of Empires Online is an MMORTS from Gas Powered Games and Microsoft Game Studios and is the massively multiplayer follow up to the popular strategy series, Age of Empires. AEO blends traditional RTS gameplay, including empire creation and resource management, with the persistent, online world focused on your capital city, a city that continues to grow even while you're offline. Participate in crafting, with craft halls facilitating Advisors or equipment that will boost your troops
Limitless Horizons Entmt. LLC
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Age of Mourning
Age of Mourning was a fantasy MMORPG set in bitter medieval times, and focused on PvP and territorial conquest. It was also to do character progression much different from other MMORPGs, in that players would play through a lineage of characters as time went on, rather than play a single character. Skills were also done differently, by characters earning skill points to spend on the skills they wanted, and not following a specific set of skills.
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Aida Arenas
Aida Arenas is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG with a focus on multiplayer battles and PvP. Players select their kingdom and a class and are set loose in a vast underground maze to fight for treasure and fame. Arenas placed about the maze host the battles, and to the victor go the spoils. The game hosts a number of multiplayer battle modes, basic and advanced skill systems, and a wide variety of armor, weapons, and other items for crafting and disassembling. Aida Arenas is curren
Quest Online
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Alganon is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG from Quest Online, featuring all the trappings expected from the genre, with the addition of allowing players to advance their characters even while offline. Players are set on the world of Alganon, in its current Seventh Age, where the world has become the battleground for the gods as they fight each other through their believers. Choose your race: the Human Asharr, or the Talrok Kujix, then select a family to join with, and begin your quest to
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Altis Gates
Altis Gates was a free-to-play 2D turn-based fantasy MMORPG, set in the land of Altis, a world of ancient European-influenced legends. Players would be able to select from three races divided into fourteen classes. It was to be designed from classic European architecture, but with a contemporary twist. It was set to also include shape shifting characters and interactive pets.