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Giiku Games GmbH | Official Site


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Florensia Articles

Pirate PvP War Zones

The folks at Florensia have announced the addition of new Army vs. Pirate PvP War Zones to the game.

New 100 Floor Dungeon

The folks behind Florensia have announced the addition of a set of 100-floor dungeons to the game.

Officially Launched

The folks at Floresia have announce the official launch of their free-to-play MMO title.

Balancing Update Part One

The folks at Florensia have announced details of the first part of their three part Balancing Update.

New Trailer

The folks at Floresia have released a new trailer showcasing game features and game-play footage from their upcoming free to play MMO.

New Trailer

The folks at Floresia have released a new trailer for their upcoming free to play MMO.

Closed Beta 3 Starts

The folks at Florensia have announced the start of Florensia third round of closed beta testing.

Get a Beta Key For Florensia!

MMORPG.com has been given 500 keys for the 3rd and final closed beta phase for Florensia. Get your key while supplies last!

Closed Beta 3 to Begin June 19th

The folks at Florensia have announced that their third round of closed beta testing will most likely begin on June 9th, and MMORPG.com will be offering a number of Florensia beta keys so enthusiastic players can get in on the action

Enter To Win 1 of 200 Beta Passes!

MMORPG.com is happy to announce our latest exclusive contest for MMORPG.com members. From now until April 15 you can enter to win 1 of 200 beta access passes for Florensia, a new MMORPG featuring naval gameplay and more!