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FIVE: Guardians of David

Kingdom Games | Official Site

  • Genre:

    Action RPG
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  • Developer:

    Kingdom Games
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FIVE: Guardians of David Overview

FIVE: Guardians of David (FIVE) is an expansive Diablo-style RPG set in the ancient lands of Canaan. Rooted in the ancient biblical narrative, FIVE provides a thrilling account of King David’s rise to the throne from a mere shepherd boy through the eyes of his five bodyguards. In this 11-act epic, you lead and play all five individual heroes, battling across exotic locations filled with archaic cultures, rich characters, and powerful artifacts.

Travel back 3,000 years into a detailed and true to life world where shepherd boys truly battle victoriously over giants. In FIVE: Guardians of David you may instantly swap play between any of King David's five Mighty Men as they battle the region's traditional foes. Gear up with an extensive variety of ancient artifacts, and develop your spy networks by selectively donating valuable treasures and relics. Experience the struggle and story of King David amidst his greatest victories and fatal downfalls. Find true heroism!

  • Heroic Gameplay | Fight a multitude of soldiers and Goliath-sized bosses.
  • Fluid Character Swaps | Swap between any of the FIVE and their unique fighting style on the fly.
  • Miracle System | Smite your foes with the blinding light of angels, hailstones of destruction, fires of the Earth, and many other miracles.
  • Equip your Gear | Gear up your FIVE with the extensive variety of ancient treasures, artifacts, and relics.
  • Spy Network | Stop hoarding your items! Donate valuables to develop crucial ties with different Spy Networks, and reap the rewards.
  • Epic 11-act Story | Epic 11-act Story[/b] Experience the epic 11-act story of the FIVE featuring comic cut scenes from Sergio Cariello. Dave Fennoy (The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us) accompanies Adam Harrington (The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands) as featured voice over actors.
On the Eighth Day God Gamed & It Was Good

Kingdom Games has put out a nifty ARPG called FIVE: Guardians of David that sits squarely in the style of Diablo, Torchlight and Titan Quest. While those games boast evil denizens of the underworld or mythological underpinnings, FIVE puts a new spin on ARPGs with its foundation in the Bible, namely in the Old Testament stories of David, of Goliath fame.